The Return of the Devil

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Neville pov
'Rise and Shine Shitheads.' Shouted Neville.

'Aah... Neville, you gave me a scare. Let me sleep.' With that harry took to the beds once again.

Draco and Ron hadn't even nudged from their places.

'They won't listen like this, Neville.' Said Hermione, entering their room.

'Me and Luna received hell from trying to wake up gins there but atleast she woke up after we made scraping noises with the chair beside her ear. Here, let me try waking them.'

'I bid you good luck.' Said Neville.

Neville watched as Hermione took three glasses of water and spilled it in Harry's face.

'WHAT THE- Are you fucking serious, Hermione.'

'See, he's awake now.' Said Hermione to Neville.

Neville grinned.
'As for Ron, that's simple, hey Neville bring last night's chicken for Ron. And after that you know what to do.' Hermione said evilly.

At that Neville grinned more wickedly and went to get the chicken.

Harry POV

'That's so mean, Hermione. Why can't you just let us sleep?' Muttered a sleepy harry.

'No. I won't.'

'Well then wake Draco up. No partiality just because he's your boyfriend.'

'That's simple.'

'No it isn't. You must know that your boyfriend sleeps like a beast.'

'Oh come on. He doesn't.'

'Try it.' He pointed his thumb to Draco.
'If will take two seconds.'

Harry watched as Hermione walked till Draco then slapped him on the cheek.

'Aah! Mione, is that you? If not I will kill whoever it is...'

'You will kill me, sweetheart?'
'No. Not you darling.'
Hermione kissed him on the cheek which all of a sudden woke the sleeping beast.

'Ugh! Hermione. You don't need to do that in front of me.'

'Shut up. Not that you and Ginny care about others.' Said Draco.

Everyone looked where ron's head banged with the table of chicken as he woke up with a frustrated scream.

'Whose was this idea?' Snarled Ron.
Neville pointed to Hermione who was grinning wickedly.

'Hermione. I swear you are dead.'
'Don't you dare-'

'Draco! He's just kidding.' Said Hermione.
'Yeah, what's it with you and Ron, Malfoy? Why the sudden change of alliances?' Said harry.

'Its none of your fucking business, Potter. Let this end this chase to our dimension. Then we will see who has the last laugh.'

'Are you mad?' Asked harry calmly.
'Is all those years of being the bad guy look better. Then be it.
Be the bad guy once again.'

'I am neither bad nor good. I am in Hermione's side and nobody else's.'

'Then we are in the same side, right?'
'Are you with Ron?'

'What?' Asked harry.
'Ron. Are you with him?'
'What the - yeah we all are in the same side.'

'Then you are wrong Potter. You always were. Hanging out with that BASTARD-'

'ENOUGH. No need to say anymore about Ron. I know him better than you. You may as well get out. Get going from here. No need to help us.'

'After all I have helped you, this is the response I get? This is the way you treat me after I do all the hard work and be good to you guys.'

Harry was at a loss for words.
'Then be it. I will be the devil I always was. Goodbye everyone. Goodbye Hermione.'
And without even looking at anyone he apparated away.

Hermione POV
Her hearts shattered into pieces.
Something had happened.
Something Tragic.

'WAY GOOD YOU DID' screamed Hermione at harry.

Harry just shrugged and left. Ron left as well without a word. Neville remained and said 'I'm sorry, Hermione.' Then left leaving Hermione alone in the room crying, shedding tears.

She saw an envelope on the ground.
An envelope that had fallen from the pocket of Draco while leaving.
Just two things written on it.

By R.W

To D.M

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