The art of faking it...

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Harry POV
Risky... Very risky... He didn't even know half of it but he had to trust Malfoy in it...

He had only few minutes to read the stuff... Pure Bullshit.

He perfectly remembered what Dumbledore had said...

'Ah, harry. I have called certain important and necessary people. Some of them won't come, but the press is coming. Don't create unwanted attention as it comes in the prophet. These are your lines. You get an hour to see them through'

Fucking bastard... Easy for him to say.
He didn't know how time had passed. But all he knew things were going to get hella complex from here.
Hermione POV
They were standing just outside the wall present in the middle of the audience - a place where they had clear view of everything while the audience couldn't see them.

'Guys, most of the people have arrived. It will begin any minute from now' said Luna.

Luna's words became true as the curtains departed.
And in walked harry...
In a black suit. He was looking ... frustrated and tensed...?

Harry looked throughout the whole crowd until he saw Hermione. His face was expressionless. He wiped his face in the right direction and his eyes pointed towards his right.

The whole crowd was in awe.
In front someone gasped loudly. Her duplicate, she recognised.

'Ladies and Gentlemen, I Harry Potter am alive.'
It was a blunt statement with absolutely null emotion.
The audience started cheering.

Harry coughed.
'You may wonder how I am alive. Hadn't I left the world? But I am right here.' At the mention of right he tilted his arm to his right.

Was harry trying to convey a message...?
'Guys' Hermione whispered. 'He's trying to tell us something.'

'Yeah' muttered Neville. 'And that something has something to do with right...'

'What happened was I when I faced voldemort-' some people gasped on hearing the name.

'- in our battle, voldemort died but I hadn't. I was on the verge of death. Dying but not dead...'

At this point the crowd was in utter silence.

'But there was a man. A man who saved my life- how did the right thing-'
This time Harry tilted his head towards the right slightly unnoticeable unless you were thinking along the same lines...

'We have to go' said Neville suddenly.
'To the room to his right?'
'Why? How? When?'
'Because that's Harry's message. How idk and of course right now.'

'We need to plan quick.' said Hermione.
'There's no bloody time, mione' said ginny.

Harry was telling them about how Dumbledore saved and other bullshit stuff...

'Guys' Neville said seriously 'We need to -'
Suddenly harry started coughing. Coughing very loudly.

'Harry!' cried ginny.
'Its our cue. Now!' said Neville.
Hermione understood.
'Its a distraction, gins. Fake.' said Hermione.

'Now' said Neville. And the five of them stepped outside the exit.
Harry was still coughing and lay on the floor. Many people had gathered around him. A few were making him drink water.
He sure was doing a good job. He had the art- the art of faking it...

Harry gathered his face to look at Hermione one last time.

His eyes said it all. They were on the right track. This was their chance. And they took it.
Harry Pov
'Just give me a minute- it's this illness- let me go- will be back in a minute...'
Harry slowly reached his destination. The room to his right.

'Its time.' said harry.
The cloaked figure nodded.

Harry knew that he had done well. But there were still a whole lot left to do...

Suddenly the door bursted open.
'Some people saw us. But we did not stop and just-'

'Huh? Continue, man -'

Neville's eyes had widened. So had the others. 'Harry- Behind you'

Harry swiftly turned to see him. The person he least wanted to see.

Those half-moons spectacles. Those twinkling eyes.
That white beard.

He was facing Albus Dumbledore...

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