† The coffin †

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Harry POV
He suddenly woke up. Had it been a dream?

He was in ... Hogwarts?
He stood up and saw that at the end of the corridor there was a girl weeping and sobbing.

Her back was turned but harry knew who it was...


She looked behind and her eyes widened in shock.

Then she raced forwards and hugged him fiercely.
'Harry. Oh harry, you are alive!'
Then suddenly she slapped him.

'Why did you act? You gave me a heart attack. Never ever think of dying on me.'

And then she leaned in to kiss him but harry pulled out.

'WHAT do you think you are doing? And why the hell would I die?' Said harry angrily. 'Draco wouldn't take nicely to this.'

'Draco. What about Draco?'

'Hermione. Come on. Draco Malfoy is your boyfriend.'

'Harry. Oh no! You damaged your brain. Do you have fever?' She asked gently 'Here. Let me check.'

'Hermione. I bloody don't have fever-'
'Hush. Of course you have or you wouldn't have forgotten that I am your dearest girlfriend.' She smiled.

What the bloody hell is going on?
Thought harry.

Draco POV
I finally awoke on somebody's ... Lap?

'Aaah!' I jumped back on my feet.
'What the fucking heck do you think you were doing?' Asked Draco.

'Draco' she pouted 'I was taking care of you.'

'Aaah! I have gone mad!'

'Of course you haven't.' Said ginny.

'Shut up! You are a Weasley.'

'Yes and I am your girlfriend.'

'Bloody fuck no! Hermione is my girlfriend.'

Ginny's eyes widened 'You have really gone mad.' She brought out her hand to place it on his cheek.

'No, you bloody don't, weaslette. Stay with Potter and that thick headed fucking brother of yours. I am going.'

'You didn't mean that.' She said.

'I bloody meant it-'

He got a hard slap on his face.
'If you were breaking up with me. You could as well say it on my face.'

Ginny started weeping but Draco didn't care. He had to find out where Hermione was and why he was in Hogwarts of all places and most of all...

What the bloody hell was going on...

Hermione POV
'Just a minute.'
'Hermione wake up' hissed a voice.

She woke up to see ginny.
'What is it, ginny?'
'Hermione, we are in Hogwarts.'

'Hmm' said a sleepy eyed Hermione.

'And I think it is the night of the battle of Hogwarts.' She pointed scaredly to the number of deaths in the ground.

'I think the battle is over' said Hermione once she had recovered from the shock.

'I think the exact same.'

'Wait there are the bodies.'

With silent tears they saw the bodies of Remus, Tonks and many others.

Seeing Fred's body ginny burst into tears while Hermione silently consoled her.

But one body caught her sight which was not there earlier.

The coffin name said
★ †Here lies†
"The Chosen one"
"The Boy who lived"
"Defeater of the Dark Lord"

R.I.P Harry Potter

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