reason three // he remembered

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And again another day started. Again another day where I was just being awkward and embarrassing.

I got ready and slowly walked downstairs. It was quiet as always, you could hear the wind blowing outside. Scary, but relaxing.

My parent were on their second honeymoon or something. Which meant an empty house for me. Most teenagers would most likely do a huge party, but I never was the party type. All I was doing here was literally nothing.

A car honked outside and I looked out of the window. Luke's car was standing in my driveway and he had his evil grin on his precious face. Gosh, I really need to stop this insanity.

I grabbed my stuff and left the house, locking it twice. I walked over to his car and got inside, sitting down on the grey leather.

"Thought I would get you to school today.", he said and I nodded, smiling at him, for a split second also looking at him.

I still managed to blush, since the last time I looked at him, it wasn't the most pleasant experience.

"You know, you can look at me.", Luke laughed and I choked out a nervous laugh.

"I know.", I said and looked outside. It was raining, the raindrops hitting the window aggressively.

"That's your favorite weather, right?", Luke asked and I turned to him, smiling again.

"Uhm yeah, how did you know?", I asked genuinely confused, since I didn't remember telling him.

"You mentioned it once. In like sixth grade or something.", he shrugged and my eyes widened.

"You remember that?", I laughed and he nodded.

"I remember a lot. You love thunderstorms, love darkness and a whole other bunch of stuff. Do you not think I listen to you?", he asked and I shook my head instantly.

"No, of course not. But I don't even remember telling you all that.", I laughed and we stopped at a red light.

He turned around to face me and locked his eyes with mine.

By now I was praying I wouldn't do anything stupid.

"You have to remember, that I'll always remember.", he grinned and I nodded.

"You're like an elephant then.", I laughed and he nodded.

"If that's what you want me to be, then be so. I'm an elephant from now on. You can call me Luke the elephant.", he smiled and mine got even wider.

"Alright Luke the elephant, you should start driving again. It just turned green.", I said and he nodded, driving off again.

"Sorry, I got distracted.", he shrugged and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"By what exactly?", I asked and he shook his head in disbelief.

"You really are funny. I'm sitting here, next to an incredibly beautiful girl and you don't think, that would get me distracted?", he asked me and I blushed like crazy.

"That's the first time someone has ever said to me.", I said shyly and looked down.

"Glad to be your first.", he smirked and we pulled up to the school parking lot.

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