Chapter 28

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Natures Soul

Chapter 28

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around.

 I was positively enlightened that I was no longer tied to the horrible chair. I rubbed my wrists. They had red indents from where the scratchy ropes had been. It felt so much better to be out of the chair. I looked around and saw no one. The room I had been in had been very small, and I saw no one in the close perimeter.

 Is this what heaven feels like? I wondered. Of course I believed in God, so I knew I would go to heaven when I died. That’s why I didn’t mind as much choosing death.

Well observing the premises, I discovered a doorway a few yards away. Contrary to the popular belief that most interrogation rooms made by your evil nemesis’ are always smooth white and glossy, this one had wallpaper all over the room. Like, the kind of wallpaper you might find in a child’s bedroom, except there was no bed. No loving touches. Nothing human about it at all. 

I walked towards the door and out of it, being as cautious as possible. I was looking for signs of a location, any clues to tell me where I was being kept. But what I saw I hadn’t been expecting at all.

The door led to the outside world-the outdoors. I walked onto a battle scene.

I saw DeLynns and DiRays (I couldn’t tell the difference) throwing fireballs, creating waterfalls in the air, growing trees out of the ground-crushing and enveloping the person being attacked. The hill I was standing on seemed to quake in the presence of such gore. The sky had taken on a disgusting brown-gray color, and it looked like a tornado was about to start.

I gasped as I saw Reuben dueling a DiRay with long wavy blonde hair. It looked like he was winning. But I feared for his life- since he was not immortal and she most likely was.

I looked farther out and saw Kylie sprinting toward Kyle, who, as of recent, was immortal. Isn’t he supposed to be with my parents on another planet?

I saw Mizu and Maddie back to back fighting off four of the enemy. I saw DeLynns and DiRays all over the place, bloody and bruised. Mountains in the distance loomed predictably on the horizon, adding character to the stomach-wrenching scene. I figured that maybe we were in Colorado, due to the mountains.

 “SOMEONE HELP!” I heard a cry from off to my far right.

I never knew why I did what I did next. I started sprinting in the direction of the voice. For some reason, I felt the tips of my fingers warm up. My hair started rising. I felt my body change, and I knew, somehow, that I was seeing my soul somewhere.

Then I saw Gale standing by a very wounded Colleen.

“Oh my Gosh!” I gasped. “What happened?” Blood was running down her arms, and it looked like part of her hand was missing. She seemed pale; almost as pale as a clean white sheet. It was downright frightening.

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