Chapter 5

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Mrs. Link led us bewildered students through the halls and into the nurses office. Gale was totslly in stride with Mrs. Link, and I wondered why. Why did he get to play Mr. Minion?

Mrs. Link strided up to the door and knocked once before waltzing in uninvited. Gale walked in right after her and then the rest of us filed in one at a time. Gale seemed to be the only one of us who wasn't surprised, and he was the new kid here. I knew I was being really judgemental about him since I just met the guy, but it was all justified. He checked me out. Made me feel dumb. And somehow managed to make me daydream about time freezing.

I think.

We entered the Nurses office as a bewildered bunch of clueless students. Kylie was bouncing in her shoes and Mizu was just watching her. I snapped my fingers in his face, causing him to jump. Mrs. Link looked over at me and frowned. I shrugged. Mrs. Link began talking to Mrs. Joyce, the nurse, with lots of hand motions and voice accents. I couldn't hear wha they were saying, and I prided myself on good hearing.

Eventually Mrs. Joyce pointed to a curtained area just a few feet away from us. A puke colored curtain hung limply from the white roof. I could've sworn I heard mumbling coming from just beyond the cover of the curtain. It sounded an awful lot like Rueben.

To save my poor friend from embarrassment, I walked up to the curtain just before Mrs. Link started moving in that direction. I whispered to whoever was in there-


I heard the brief sound of scuffling before Mrs. Link so rudely pushed me out of the way. She jerked open the curtain, probably giving it whiplash.

I had to give Becka and Rueben kudos. They had quickly arranged themselves so Rueben was sitting in a chair and Becka was laying down with her eyes closed. She was almost smiling. I smiled and shook my head. Leave it to Becka to be a tad revealing. She pretended to be asleep and I winked at Rueben. He blushed. I smirked.

Gale thought the smirk was directed toward him, and he winked back at me. I rolled my eyes and groaned. 

Mrs. Link proceeded to shake Becka awake. 

"Wake up sweetie." She said through gritted teeth. I practically gasped. Mrs. Link called a human being sweetie!

Mark the day in your calendars ladies and gentlemen. 

Becka was going to do something random, I just knew it. And she did. She jumped up into a ninja pose. We all burst out laughing and Becka looked rather satisfied. 

"Follow me." Mrs. Link continued.

She led us back to her office and entered just like we did at the nurses office.

He seemed really prideful as we all squished together in the teeny tiny broom closet Mrs. Link called an office. There were only six chairs, so two people had to sit on others laps. Just as expected, by me at least, Becka sat on Ruebens lap. Kylie leaned toward Mizu, and Mizu looked like he was inwardly debating whether to lean in or lean out. He just sat there like a board. But what surprised me the most was when Gale pulled me down onto his lap. 

I squirmed in my seat and he held me tight. I frowned and growled, but he just chuckled. 

"Hello students. What you are about to hear is very important to your future and you would well to listen." We all groaned. It was probably one of those college opportunities talks.

Mrs. Link shuffled out the door, puzzling us all in the process. Maddie began complaining, as usual.

"Ughhhh..." She groaned. She leaned on Kyle's shoulder. He suddenly sat up straighter and grinned. Wait... did Kyle have a crush on the Ice Queen Maddie?

Things were about to get very interesting, and I didn't even know the half of it.

Gale slid out from under my lap and proceeded to walk to the front. I descended into the warm safety the chair offered. Gale started talking.

"I know you think I'm new and all, but I'm older than you. I am immortal. I'm a part of the group called The DeLynns. We are a community of people who are all very different, yet have one common trait. We all have something that makes us different from normal humans." The way he said humans made me shiver. I was getting goosebumps, and I looked to Kylie for support. She was pale and paralyzed. So was Rueben. And so was Becka.

"For those of you who didn't see the little thing I did in trig, I did a thing we DeLynns call "Tynefese". It basically means I can freeze time." I heard a gasp come from somewhere near Maddie, but I din't do anything. Only sat there in shock.

He sneered. "And I can fly. In human years, I'm 221. I am also a relatively young DeLynn, compared to me, you all are babies." He grinned tauntingly. " I am one of the most powerful DeLynns around. Wanna know something else? " He asked with a smug raised eyebrow. I barely managed to nod.

"Good. I'm not the only powerful DeLynn."

We exchanged baffled glances. was Mrs. Link another DeLynn?

"Aneh is too."


I am.

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