Chapter 22

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην Breeeezy

Natures Soul

Chapter 22

"So," Rueben asked cluelessly. "What do we do now?" He popped a lollipop into his mouth. Lime, I think.

I shrugged. "I have absolutely no idea."

"Sounds good to me." Mizu got up and stretched.

"Where are you going?" Kylie asked nervously. Mizu looked at her.

"It's a secret."

Which of course led to Mizu walking out confidently, and the rest of us following a few seconds behind. We followed a whistling Mizu through the hallways and of course, us being the wonderfully creative teenagers we were, hummed Mission: Impossible Theme as we inconspicuously stuck to the corners and walls.

Finally, we emerged into what seemed to be a glass door filled with sunlight. Mizu was silhouetted as he opened the door, walking out and leaving the rest of us behind.

So, of course, we followed him. He walked half way around the compound, and then ducked behind the single tree for miles.

We were in New Mexico.

"Not yet." Mizu replied to someone. Someone must have asked him a question, because I was pretty sure Mizu didn't talk to himself behind trees in the desert.

"Because we only need Aneh to go." He said again.


"Hey!" Rueben busted out of nowhere and pointed a finger at Mizu. I think he meant to be all heroic and say something wise, but he had been sucking on the lime lollipop and it got in the way of his speech. So it came out, "Wet thor ooh do ling?" We all gave him a strange look and he blushed.

Mizu breathed out. "Seriously guys, we have to get off our butts and get to work, you know, finding our souls. Would you rather be frozen in time at age 16 or 17, or 31?" He a gave us a moment to contemplate this.

"We should, but why were you talking to that tree about me?" I pointed at the offending plant.

"It's like, a connection to your dad. And sorry guys if I made you feel inferior, I just had to tell him that Aneh was priority because of her position, and that when we leave tomorrow, we need to have Aneh be in the first group."

"We don't leave together?"

"We're split up?" Kylie and Kyle each asked a question.

"Yes and yes to both." Mizu replied calmly.

"What are the groups?" 

"Aneh, Becka, Colleen, Kyle, and Gale, and then in the second group, Rueben, Kylie, me, and Maddie."

Kylie pouted. "Why can't we all just be together?"

"Because this way you will find your souls faster." Mizu countered with a gleam in his eye.

"You better pack, because we leave tomorrow." And with that, he walked away, leaving us all the more bewildered and confused than before.


I know, I know, seriously late. I've just been so preoccupied. Maybe more comments and votes? seriously, they motivate me. You qwouldn't believe how guilty I felt reading them......

Anyway! How was your summer? How does fall look where you live? Here the ground is covered in leaves, we practicallty have to rake our driveway.

Have a great one!


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