Chapter 4

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 As one force, all our heads turned to Gale.

His eyes were closed and his palms were facing upwards. He frowned like he was concentrating on something. He looked ;like he was sweating.

"Guys." I whispered to my puzzled and mystified friends "I think Gales doing ...... this." We stole a glance at Gale again.

He looked up and smiled.

'Your right."


He grinned at me again. Not Rueben, or Kylie, or Mizu who were all staring at him with disbelieving looks.

But me.


"Your right. I am doing this. Can you guess why?" He playfully raised an eyebrow. His face was etched with amusement and humor. He was obviously playing with me.

I was still shell-shocked, and barely managed to blink. I turned to Kylie. As soon as I did, the spitball hit Mizu. Mrs. Owens continued teaching. Gale continued looking at me with a smirk.

I rubbed my head in concentration. Had Gale really done that? It had to be a dream. Otherwise......

I shivered. I looked to Kylie for support. She looked at Rueben. Rueben looked at Mizu. Mizu looked at me. We all looked at Gale. He had changed his previous position from concentrating on the illusion, to his feet propped up on the desk. He was grinning with his eyes closed. He was twiddling his thumbs and suddenly he frowned. He cocked his head to the side like he was listening to something. People around him were looking at him strangely. 

I didn't blame them.

He was rather......interesting. To say the least.

The bell rang and I dashed to get my things together. Kylie was a little slow. She had a social status to maintain. So she talked and talked while I hurried to gym. As soon as I passed through the door, I heard Gale call my name. 

Too late buster. I thought as I all but sprinted out of the classroom and into the warm, safe arms of the hallway.

The same hallway where Nellie Coleman called me a loser two periods ago.

For some unknown reason, a path formed and I jogged through it. I dropped my binder off at my locker and yet again emerged near the end of my tunnel. Granted, I received rude glares and curt language, but Maddie's constant put-downs made me tough. I was used to it.

I remembered what happened no less than 20 minutes ago. Was it real? It had to be. Kylie, Mizu, Rueben and I couldn't have had the same daydream at the exact time. But how could Gale have done it? With extreme will? I hoped not.

I joined up with Becka and Rueben forty feet from the entrance. Since we had two minutes left and we were very, very close, I decided to have some fun.



"When are you going to tell Becka your in love with her?" Rueben immedietly blushed and looked away. I could've sworn I heard whistling coming from where Ruben was standing.

Becka cocked her head to the side.

"Is it true? Are you in love with me?" And as cheesy as it sounds, Becka had her hands on her hips. Rueben flushed scarlet, and he resembled fire in temperature and in color. I snickered and both their heads snapped to me. 

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