Nature's Soul

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People wonder why I'm friends with them.

The Chosen, I mean.

I'm not exactly stunning. I'm not rich. I'm not poor either.

I'm me.

The Chosen consist of three girls and three guys. I'm always the odd one out. I'm the seventh one. The one who makes our group .....uneven.

Kylie has short brown hair that she straightens til it's broken on the edges. She has really pretty light blue eyes. They're so light, some people think she doesn't have any iris's.She's the popular one of the group. Everyone's just drawn to her. She's around 5'10.

Her twin Kyle has the same color hair with the same shade of blue for eyes. He has shaggy brown hair and the skater look. He's the male brains of the group. He's Kylie's twin. He usually wears glasses and is a staggering six feet. Believe me when I say they are nothing alike. Kyle is shy while Kylie is bubbly and bright. She's really nice, never curses, and always has energy to spare. I always liked her the most. It's funny really, she's only grumpy when she has an energy drink.

Rueben has dark blonde hair that is usually all over the place. Not really anything interesting there. He's about 5'6 and has extremely gray eyes. They are a combination of light blue and dark gray. He's always calm and and often looks like he's listening to music. He likes to sway like he's listening to calming music. I think he does yoga. Alot of girls think he's "hot" and "cute" and "mysterious", but I don't see anything. He's like a brother to me.

Becka has spiked black hair and gray eyes. When I look her in the eyes, she sometimes has black and brown flecks. It's really cool. She's about 4'9. She makes us act so silly aometimes. she puts the "we" in "weird". I think she has a crush on Rueben, but I'm not sure. Time will tell.

Maddie has long thick dark hair. It's so dark, it's almost black. But when you catch it in the light, it's definitely brown. She's always been a little blunt and rude, but she does have emotions. If you dig reall, really deep. She has hazel eyes that always seem to have light red flecks. They're still light enough to be considered hazel, though. She's from Spain, and it shows alot. She often speaks in spanish when shes really mad or angry.

Mizu is Asian and has really cool eyes. I don't know how it worked out, but he magically has blue eyes. Kylie says they're the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. I agree with her that they're pretty cool. She's had a crush on him since we were thirteen. He's around 5'3 and often has to look up to talk to us. It can be quite funny. He has black hair and pruple highlights.

And then there's me. I'm normal. I have this weird thing where my moods are contradicting themselves. I can be really fiery and angry, or calm and cool the next. I keep my feelings bottled up inside though. I never let them show. My hair is this weird collage of colors. It's auburn, brown, a little blonde, and a pinch of black. Mostly auburn though. People ask me where I got my hair highlighted.It's really annoying really. My eyes look like a puddle of oil mixed with water after a storm. They can't be labeled as a specific color. Basically, they are a hundred different colors that look like they're spinning and colliding to form the blob I call my eyes. But they're unique and I get comments on them all the time. Mostly people asking me where they can get contacts like that too.

So now you know alot about the Chosen, don't you? You know enough to know we are special and different. Unique, as some would say.

But we're mainly different.



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