Chapter 25

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Natures Soul

Chapter   25

We arrived at my family’s castle without a second to lose. We hastily dropped Kyle off and then left again a mere two minutes later. The only person’s face who I saw a glimpse of was Faye’s. My family had just come in from the Knight’s house, and I knew this because Faye looked exactly the same as I had left her. Time difference and all.

Then we disappeared again, to the North American National Park of Yosemite.

“Whose soul are we finding here again?” Becka inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Anseh’s,” Gale replied with a smirk in my direction.

“Oh the joy.” I countered happily. “So where do we look?”

Colleen pointed out west. “Over there.”

“Let me clarify. Where are we now?”

“Far east,” Gale replied. “We’ll be climbing what resembles a giant rock bubble to gaze upon the glory-“

“We’re basically using it as a lookout point.” Colleen informed us. Gale glared at her jokingly, but I could see a loving glint in his eyes.

“But Gale can’t you just fly….?”

“OH YEAH!” Gale yelled triumphantly and looked over at his beloved. “Hehehehehe…..”

She swatted him. “Not gonna happen.”









“YES!” Gale pumped a fist in the air to show his satisfaction.

Colleen put a hand to her forehead. “Why me?”

“Couldn’t Gale and I just carry Becka and Colleen up to the top?” I asked with a hopeful hint obviously dripping from my voice.

“Well yeah but it would be uncomfortable….” Becka scrunched her nose. “Yet productive and much faster. Let’s go.”

“We began the trek to the “rock bubble.” Our conversation was lively and filled with anticipation. We discussed how Gale knew where my soul was. We talked about how Gale and Colleen had fist started dating. We consulted each other on what we wanted in a guy- while Gale walked awkwardly in front of us, alone.

Finally, we reached the rock bubble.

“It’s called Moor rock,” Gale explained, “are you ready to go?”

“No! What about all the humans that will see us flying up the rock face! Hadn’t thought of that had ‘ya!?”

“Becka has psychic powers smart one. She can disguise the human’s minds so that they won’t see us. Becka, are you ready?”

“Uhh…sure.” Becka held her hands up to her temples dramatically and began rubbing her forehead. We all knew she didn’t really have to do that, though.

Then we began ascending Moor rock.

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