Chapter 17.5

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  • Dedicated to Gabs Nichols

Nature’s Soul

Chapter 17.5 (First half)

“Mom?” The woman looked at me with cold eyes and a sneer.

“Well, I’m the Queen. What do you think?” She rolled her eyes. 

“We better go.” White said. My mom flipped her hair behind her shoulder. She made a snobbish noise with her mouth.

There was no way on Venus this woman was my mom. 

“White,” I began. “Do we have a different name for Venus here?” my mom snorted.

“No.” She replied sarcastically. “We call it Venus.”

“Really?” I asked White with wide eyes. He seemed so tired. The trip must have worn him down. 

He sighed. “No. We call it Mantelay.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“No time. Like now.” We apparently had been walking very fast, and found ourselves at the doorstep of our castle very quickly. 

The trees behind me were dwarfed by the giant magnitude of something rock related. It looked like stone, felt like stone, and weighed like a stone, but it wasn’t. The texture was smoother than the smoothest baby’s bottom. And the color! Ig was pitch black.

The castle towered above several clouds of multi-colored gasses, the protection of the whole planet. The rocks were chopped off to create a wall that somewhat resembled a brick one. A garden with bright and colorful flowers heavily contrasted the black walls. A pebble trail with rocks bordering the edges decorated the area around it. Giant wooden light brown doors guarded the entrance to the castle.

“Here we are.” White cheered up.

“Hehe.” I said. They both looked at me. One with distaste, and one with excitement.

“I don’t know if I’m ready.” I said lamely. 

My mom huffed. “Grow up and get ready. Because we’re going in now.

“Fine.” I snapped. “First of all, I was just doing that to test you. See, if you were the real Queen, you have shown compassion to a subject, much less your royal daughter. And,” I paused for effect. I was getting more and more emotional with every word. “I was told the Queen was a kind person, wonderful to all. Therefore-”

“Fine!” The woman threw up her hands. “You proved your point. I’m not actually your mother. Although that would be incredible,” She got a dreamy look in her eyes. “I’m not. Your parents sent me out here to test you.” We opened the giant brown doors. 

“Welcome.” The woman said. Before we stepped in, I stopped the woman.

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