Chapter 19

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Hey y'all! First off, I would like to say, no I have not died and gone to heaven. I've been out and about with the move and all. Second, this chapter is dedicated to ScarletRoofs for voting the right time. And heres to my new friends! swimguru, HopeNow (That's a joint acount!), MorgzRulez, Chickchat1o127, and Teagan12.

You guys rock! <3

Oh yeah, screw the song of the chapter. I alwas forget. :)


Natures Soul

Chapter 19

Trinity let out a piercing scream. Chaos entered the room like a thick smog that enveloped us all and scared us.

A loud deep voice came from somewhere in the room.

“Give.....Us......What we seek.” It was raspy, and sounded old. It rumbled deeply and sent chills down my spine. I whipped around just to make sure nothing was behind me, and I could have sworn I saw movement.

My parents seemed to recognize the voice and they shook with fear.

“Never!” They shouted. My mother quivered and Faye began to whimper. Trinity burst into tears. A smoke blew slowly into the large throne room and I honestly have to admit I shook in my shoes.

“What do they want?” I asked hesitantly. The black smoke choked was almost as thick as cloth and hard to breathe in.

“We must......”My dad coughed ”We have to go......” I followed the direction of my father’s disappearing voice.

We walked on through the smoke, and a few times I had to catch my breath.

I couldn’t tell when we left the room.The rest of them probably knew- they had the castle memorized for Pete’s Sake- but I didn’t. I repeatedly craned my neck to see if I was still following my tour guide correctly, but the smoke refused to let me see anything, sunlight, curly blonde heads, anything to notify me of my location.

Then we got to the entrance.

Sunlight poked through the tops of the door, the best thing I had ever seen in my life- besides, you know, food.

The doors swung open and all the anxiety butterflies in my stomach flew away and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Sweet light. Sweet air. Mom began to safety-count us all.

“’S ESTEL!!?” She shrieked. That was when I realized something.

Not only was Estel missing, but the castle was burning. I mean sinking to the ground in ashes burning.

“NO!” My father shouted. He tried to hold my mother back, but she broke free and tried to run through.

Suddenly she ran into a wall made of air. She was still crying and gasping as my father rushed up to hold her back. I looked away in agony and felt a tear drop down my face as the castle crumbled.


“Thank you Gretchen.” Faye thanked the maid who brought her the hot chocolate.

Gretchen curtsied.

Mother was still sobbing about poor Estel in the corner. One of my fathers Lords lived a few miles away from the castle, and we treaded there. Me, almost instantly to tell the news. The rest of the family had to settle for me grabbing one of them and start running. Which, even if you are going very fast, is hard to do. Imagine carrying a hundred thirty pound weight, which I can barely do without sprinting at speeds of a cheeta.

I sipped the hot chocolate and looked around again.

The Lord Tracey (Girl-ish name, no?) had a wonderful house. Maids and rushed about to comfort and console us. Wooden shelves and wooden chair adorned the rooms throughout his mansion.

Father had his hands over his face. His blonde hair seemed grayer and sadder in a sort of way that made you want to cry. Faye and Henry looked somber by the dying embers of the fire. Suddenly, Lord Tracey walked into the room with a grim expression. He began speaking.

“I’m sure this is hit to all of you. But get off your butts and get to work!” This startled my family. why was he criticizing their actions- or lack there of.

“Your country needs you! Rise to action!” He shook a fist. “I too am mourning the loss of Estel, but do you see me lying around whining?! No! Get back to work ! You think that fire was accidental? DiRays did it. They’re going to attack you! And will you be able to defend? Not when your lying down where the rats go pee and sobbing for your poor son. You make me sick!” Which was a little harsh for a family who’s son died hours ago.

My mother looked at Lord Tracey through her tears and messy hair.

“I agree.” She whispered quietly. My father’s head jerked up.

“What?” She turned to him.

“We have mourned enough for him already.” She smiled sadly, and her body language was hazy.

“We have to stand for our country.” Faye stood up. Henry, Trinity, and Brandi stood as well. Noah pout his hands on his head.

“What can we do?” He asked logically. “No one knows about the fire yet.”

Lord Tracey shook his head. “But they do. The DiRays made sure of that.”

My father sighed. “Wonderful.” He muttered.

“So go back to your castle. Go.” Lord Tracey dismissed us. We all got up to lave. Dang, I was resting and enjoying it.

Just as I was going out the door, White pulled on my arm. He must have just got there, because he was breathing hard. No sweat though.

“” He said. I winced.

“Do we have to go now?”


I sighed. “Mom?” I called I saw a flicker of a smile at me calling her Mom.

“I have to go back to earth.”

“So soon?”

“Yeah, sorry.” I glared at White who grimaced.

“Goodbye then.” She gave a wide smile.

I waved weakly. So much for teary goodbyes.

I sighed and wrapped Whites arms around me, and then we floated up into space.

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