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Chapter 27


Class was boring, and long. Long and boring. It’s kind of sad really, I’m used to  being  outside, or inside, but not at school, you would think that after 3 months of this I’d be used to it, ha, no you are far off it.

Piper sat in front of me talking to some guy in a maroon T-shirt. She was laughing and twirling her hair around her finger. Well then, I’m no love expert, but I’m pretty sure that’s the universal code for ‘flirting.’ Hey I could be wrong, which I probably am, but then I could be right. And that’s the scary thing, if I’m right, and Piper is flirting with this guy, does that mean something is going on between Jason and her, something, that they have so conveniently kept a secret. Could they have broken up but not have told anyone? I highly doubt it.

“Mr Valdez!” Mr Lark called out interrupting my train of thought. I looked up to meet his gaze. I gulped, he was not happy, not a happy chappie, no way.

“Um yeah.” I said.

“I asked you a question Mr Valdez.” Mr Lark stated firmly.

“Yeah well I must have missed the translation ‘cause everything you say sounds like your speaking in tongues or something, my internal translator must have switched off. Stupid piece of junk, I knew I should have gotten the better model, oh boo. Anyway could you please repeat your question only this time in English?” I replied smugly. I knew this was not a smart move, but it was fun, it’s not like detention completely sucks, Connor and Travis will be there so I’m all good.

“Leo, I’ll see you after class.” Mr Lark said in one of those scary calm tones that just creep you out. I gulped and turned to face Percy, who seemed to be half asleep on the desk. I couldn’t blame him it was maths class after all, and well, being Percy he’s dyslexic and ADHD, plus rather rubbish at maths, he chose to sit next to me, because I’m sort of not rubbish at maths. I’m one of those people who act like an idiot when really they aren’t one, well I kind of am, but that’s beside the point.

The bell rang signalling the end of class, it was now lunch time. Percy jumped up and was out of the classroom so fast, I am beginning to think there is something he’s not telling me. *cough* He’s the Flash *cough*. I packed up my books and was about to walk out the door, before Mr Lark would notice, when a large hand grabbed my shoulder and held me back.

“Going somewhere Valdez?” Mr Lark asked taking me over to his desk.

“Yeah to Lunch, it’s more important than-.” Mr Lark cut me off.

“I suggest that you be quiet and learn to keep your mouth shut, you are a bright student, but your attitude ruins it. What am I going to tell your parents?” I laughed. Which one, the god who could incinerate you or my mum, who kinda is dead. “What’s so funny kid?” He asked siting me down on a chair in front of his desk.




I lay awake, no. No, no, no, no, no. I’m an idiot, a big fat, promise breaking idiot. I told Nick about Leo and everyone after I swore on the river Styx. I’m going to DIE! What can I do, I can’t back out of it, though, I don’t think Nick told any names, but I did when I told her, I need to tell her now, that if she tells anyone their names I could die. As in dead, eliminated, gone, deceased, DEAD!

I jumped out of bed and ran into Nick’s room, turning the light on and running over to her bed.

“Go away.” Nick grumbled rolling over.

“I’m sorry but this is a matter of life and death, I’m not even kidding.” Nick sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes.

“Okay spill. Are you pregnant?” My eyes widened.

“Uh, NO! It’s way worse. I could die.”  Nick rubbed her face and looked at me, her dark blue eyes staring up at me.

“Talk.” I told her about everything, how that if she tells anyone the names of the demigods that I could die. That I would be killed for breaking an oath that I had sworn upon the River Styx.

As I was explaining her eyes grew wider and her expression became a mixture of confusion, fear and anger. And when I told her that telling her probably triggered whatever is going to happen to me she screamed and jumped out of bed.

Where she was going I had no clue.


Me: I’m sorry that I haven’t been uploading. I feel horrible. But on a happier note… THE HOUSE OF HADES IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST CAN’T EVEN. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nico: Whoa calm down.

Leo: I’m worried… for the world.

Percy: Why?

Leo: Uh duh, look *point’s at me* Too much fan girling can lead to destruction of an entire hemisphere.

Annabeth: Goodbye the Southern hemisphere.

Me: No!!!! No, no, I’m all good, just, gah!

Stacy: makes perfect sense… not

Me: Don’t bully people, it’s mean!

Stacy: I’m not bullying you.

Fish xx

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