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Chapter 4



Beep, beep, beep

I roll over, falling out of bed in the process. I get up and slam my hand down on the alarm clock.

“Stupid piece of-” I was cut off by Jason walking into my room.

“Open your wardrobe.” He says bluntly.

“Um ok.” I say, walking over to the wardrobe doors. I open them and see what clothes have been put in there. “Who, who picked these?” I asked.

“Pipers mum.”

“You mean Aphrodite.” I said 

“Yes, dude, of course I mean her.”  I looked at the clothes again. I pick out some jeans and a loose shirt and a hoodie. Nothing fancy and placed it on my bed and faced Jason giving him a ‘what’s so bad about the wardrobe?’ look.

“Look, that’s what I picked out but look now.” I looked down at the clothes I had picked out. My denim jeans were now black, my loose shirt was now a navy blue tight V-neck and my hoodie was a black biker’s jacket.

“Um, did this happen to you?” I said to Jason, pointing at the clothes. He nodded.

“This is what my clothes turned into.” Jason said running out of the room, then returning with denim jeans, a tight black V-neck and a pair of Ray Ban Aviators.

“What about shoes?” I asked.

“You don’t get a choice.” Jason said holding up his brand new pair of vans. I on the other hand got given grey converse.

“We are going to look sexy.” Leo says barging into my room, he too had a tight V-neck, though his was red, paired with black jeans and Nikes. “I wonder if the girls will look as good as us?’ Leo said checking himself out in my mirror.

“I’m sure they will.” Conner said also coming into my room, what’s the deal? Is it everyone pile into Percy’s room day?

“Yep, I saw Annabeth earlier today in the library.” Said Travis walking in also. “She looked, how do I put this? Hot?” I felt a little jealous that Travis got to see Annabeth first but I let it go.

“Okay let’s go downstairs and chat with our godly parents.” Leo said, slipping out of my room. We all then followed.


Queue wolf whistle

The girls were already down in the kitchen. And boy was Travis right. Annabeth looked stunning. Her blonde hair was tired to the side in a loose plat. She had a light denim shirt and black short shorts on. As for her shoes, well I wouldn’t know, she was barefoot, rubbing her ankle and putting ice on top.

“Hey Seaweed brain.” She called from the kitchen bench.

“Hey gorgeous. What happened?” I asked.

“Oh well I kinda-” Piper cut her off.

“We need to teach her how to walk in heels.” She said winking at me. As soon as Jason saw Piper he ran up to her.

“Wow, you look amazing!” He exclaimed. This again was a correct statement. Piper was rocking a rainbow ¾ top and a skater skirt, with black wedges. I’m guessing her mum was behind that outfit. Just like everyone else’s.

“Hey Stacy.” Leo said from behind me.

“Hey.” She replied.  She was still in her PJ’s

“You’re not ready?” Leo asked

“Not coming.” She coughed. “Sick.” Connor laughed.

“Yeah, whatever, now let’s bounce.” Connor said fist pumping the air. “Leo you’re driving the car.” Leo has a car. Naughty bugger didn’t tell me.


Leo: Ha, suck it Percy. I have an awesome car!!!

Percy: Well, I have a girlfriend and a car.

Me: Que world war three

*boys start to insult one another*

Stacy: Guys, I have a headache! shut up! Anyway, have fun at school! *leaves, everyone else hops into a car.* 


*inside Leo's car*

Jason: Where is Nico?

Piper: Crap, we left Nico.

Jason: Mate turn back.

Leo: No i can't, we are already here.

Piper: Maybe he is with Percy, Annabeth, Travis and Connor.

Jason: Maybe.

 Me: Hopefully.

Leo: Do the disclaimer whilst I check With Percy.

Me: Okay, I don't own any of the characters (well, I don't think I need to keep on telling you that Stacy is my character but oh well) Rick Riordan does. 

*Leo hangs up the phone*

Leo: Not with them, they thought he was with us.

Piper: Oh great

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