Authors note #2

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I haven’t updated for agesssss. AnD I Am sOO SorRY.

Let me get this straight… I’m running out of ideas, well I know what to write but I can’t seem to get it down on paper.

There will be at least (so probably more) 10 more chapters, then I may make a second book. Idk

 But I have a good idea in mind for a second book.

But with this book, I really don’t know who I want to tell the next chapter (like who’s POV) So I’d really like it if you guy gave me a few suggestions, then I will write the chapter and all will be swell.

Oh and I also want to know…

Do we want Nico and Stacy together?

Leo and Alex together

Do we want Connor to get a gf?

Do we want to keep all the other ships or throw a spanner in the works?

Actually forget about that last point, I’ll surprise you.

Like I did with the last authors note, I’ll put in a little story. Alright here we go.


Nico woke up to the sound of sirens. He opened his eyes, but his right eye hurt too much. As he regained his hearing fully, he heard the sound of people saying things too advance for his 17 year old brain to process. They were talking about medical things and drugs, alcohol and nightclubs too. Nico couldn’t quite work out what the people were saying.

Not saying that he was dumb or anything, but some words just sounded like another language, and Nico being able to speak many other languages was odd. It wasn’t Greek, nor was it Italian, Latin or Spanish.

Nico finally came to the conclusion that they were speaking in medical terms. Saying things like ‘heart rate’ ‘blood pressure.’ Which he understood but some words just made his brain explode.

“He’s waking up.” A man in a fluoro vest said to the people around him. Nico’s left eye scanned his surroundings, giving him the impression that he was in fact inside an ambulance. After a few seconds of panic, Nico began to wonder how exactly he ended up here. Whilst doing so the people, paramedics, around him were asking him questions, which he didn’t respond to. His brain was ponding and he was beginning to feel extremely tired. He closed his eye and without meaning to he slipped into a deep sleep.


Nico rubbed his head, it was so sore, his whole body ached. He felt bruised and just horrible. Nico groaned and went to stand up but couldn’t. Confused Nico rubbed his face and eyes.

“OW!” He screamed as he came in contact with his bruised eye. A nurse came rushing in.

“Oh, Mr Di Angelo how are you?” Nico gave her a ‘are you serious?’ look before answering.

“Like I was thrown in a blender then stitched back together with barbed wire.” The nursed giggled. She didn’t look much older than Annabeth. She had brown hair and green eyes; she had a cute smile and had that ‘innocent, but not-so-innocent’ look about her.  Nico smirked.

“I’ll go fetch Dr Jackson.” The nurse said before leaving the room. Without even recognising the name Nico nodded and rolled over. Much to his body’s disagreement.

A blonde haired girl came in; she had a white jacket on and a name tag which read ‘Dr A. Jackson.’ She told Nico to sit up, which he did, though the pain was horrendous.

“What happened?” Dr Jackson said walking over to the IV.

“If I knew I would tell you, but frankly, it’s a blur.” Nico said watching her every move.

“Here, have this.” She said taking a gold square from her pocket. Ambrosia? Nico wondered how this girl knew he was what he is. Nico took the square of ambrosia and placed it into his mouth. It tasted like Nutella, his newly found obsession. Nico smiled.

“How did you-?” Before Nico could finish the girl dropped the syringe.

“Oh my gods, have I aged that much. Nico you idiot, it’s me Annabeth.” Nico’s mouth fell open, only now did he realize she had curly blonde hair, grey eyes and the wedding ring Percy had shown to him- the one with the sea green rock with two diamonds either side- before their wedding day. He also noticed she was wearing her camp necklace. How could he be so stupid? Nico smacked his forehead but winced in pain. “Careful dummy, don’t want to give yourself a worse form of concussion.” Then it hit him.

“Hey Annabeth, what happened to architecture?” Her smile faltered. She then sat down on his bed. “Eh, got a gig here and fell in love with it, plus it pays better.” She smiled before injecting a needle into Nico’s shoulder. Just then Percy ran inside the room. His face firm and he looked just ticked.

“Nico Di Angelo, what were you doing, what happening to you? Oh I swear if you did drugs I’ll-!” Annabeth kissed him on the lips to shut him up.

“Percy came down.” She whispered.


“No traces of any drugs or alcohol, Nico just got beat up.”

“Why didn’t you stop them, you’re a demigod, you can fight.” Annabeth was about to answer Percy’s question but Nico beat her.

“Because, I didn’t want to get sent to the police because I was responsible for sending a guy into a coma, freaking out a few bystanders, and possibly taking his soul.” I said twisting my skull ring. Percy was about to say something but he stopped.

“Well glad you’re alive, wouldn’t want to miss your 18th birthday party now would we.” Percy said wrapping his arm around Annabeth. Hold on, Nico thought, it’s my birthday. Nico smiled before hugging his best friends.

“Well, let me go, and I’ll get ready.” Annabeth shrugged and with that she ran out to go fill in a form so Nico could leave.



Please check out my other story ‘Are you afraid of the dark.’ I’m pretty happy with it and would love it to get more reads.

Until I upload next…

Adios amigos!

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