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Chapter 23


I sit down at the table were Percy and the other were, even Leo and his friend Alex was sitting with us today.  I have to be honest Alex was the single most down to earth, easy going mortal I had ever met. I can see why Leo is friends, wait dating her.

“So Alex, tell us a little bit about yourself.” Hazel asked.

“Well there isn’t much to say. I haven’t got exciting lives like you guys, Nah. I live with my step mum and dad. I hate them, they hate me. Um I spend most of my time with my two brothers. You probably have met them--” Just then the blonde haired queen bee Prada Simons stood towering over our table. I hate that girl, she is a boy-stealing fake blonde with no talent.

“Go away.” I state.

“Oh Beth.” I cringe. “How’s that assignment going, its due tomorrow you know, and I expect nothing less than an A.”  I felt Percy clench his hand under mine.

“You’re doing her assignment?” He whispered into my ear.

“No it’s a group assignment.” I whispered back.

“Yeah it’s done, though I already printed it and, oops I forgot to put your name on it. I guess that’s what you get FOR MAKING ME DO ALL THE WORK! But then again if I didn’t we would fail because you are so incompetent.” I spit.

“Way to go Annabeth.” Alex cheered.

‘Oh well, I’ll write on it with pen tomorrow.” Prada replied calmly. “Alex get stuffed, no one likes you.” Prada snapped back at Alex making most of the table fall silent. I knew the two had history but I don’t think anyone else did. It’s what you pick up when you sit next to that she-devil. 

“Oh stuff you.” Alex said taking a sip of her apple juice.

“Anyway, Annabeth, that’s all I needed, well most of it.” She made eye contact with Percy and mouthed ‘call me.’ Before leaving.

“Continue please Alex.” I say quickly before any questions were asked.


So Alex used to be best friends with Prada until two years ago when Alex caught Prada with her boyfriend, Oliver. They two were making out at Alex’s party in her brother Jake’s room.

Jake is her twin and she has a younger brother called Andrew, or Andy who is some much like Nico it isn’t funny. Her house is big, her family is rich and she hates it. Alex’s full name is Alexandra Kate Oaks. She has a horse called Xavier, after her best friend who was killed in a car accident when they were twelve. Her step-dad spoils her and gives her all these designer clothes which she hates. Alex’s real dad died when she was eight fighting a fire. He was a fireman. She doesn’t get along with her mum and step-dad.

Connor, Percy, Leo, Piper, Hazel, Jason and I sat in her massive backyard.

“So yeah.” Alex said. “This is my house.” 

“Cool house.” Jason said quietly.

“Yeah I guess, but it’s too big and it gets so lonely.” Oh yeah both her parents are always out on business trips so her brother throws parties. Massive parties.

 No one spoke for a while as we watched the sun set. Suddenly Connor laughed.

“Gods, someone is showing off tonight.” He said causing all of us, apart from Alex to laugh.

“Why do you guys say gods, as in plural?” Alex commented causing us all to fall silent.

“Um… can I… you know tell her?” Leo asked. I nodded.

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