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Chapter 2


Percy was right I really did need to sleep. I yawned.

“We will be at the bus soon, actually no, Annabeth Chase, your carriage awaits you.” Percy said, looking pleased with himself. He motioned for me to enter.

“Thank you kind sir.” I said playing along with the act.

“And here come Percabeth.” Leo said.

“Aww you guys are so cute.” Someone else said, though the voice wasn’t at all familiar. Percy laughed.

“Jealous much.”

“How about no.” Leo replied shifting in his seat a little.

“Move along.” Connor said as he and Travis entered the bus, with Nico behind them. He was drenched in water, and did NOT look happy. Percy laughed again (He was laughing an awful lot.) [Yes you were Seaweed Brain, now shhh, I’m talking.]

“Aww, mate. What’s wrong?” Percy cooed, Nico snapped.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong? I’ll tell you what’s wrong. These two are bloody hopeless. Now move.” Nico said pushing past me.

“Calm down, it’s just a bit of water.” I pinched Percy in the arm. “Ow, what the hell.”

“Cut it out.” I whispered.

“Fine. Look Nico, I’m sorry.” Percy apologised.

“Forget it, I’m fine, but I don’t wanna talk, I’m just going to sleep.”

We all agree and sit down on the seats.  I placed my head on Percy’s shoulder and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


“Wake up beautiful. We’re here.” I heard Percy say. I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head off of his shoulder. I slept for the whole trip, record. Percy stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and got up. “When you sleep you look so cute and, how do I put this, fragile.” Percy said out of the blue.

“Um thanks.” I replied.

“Ha.” Percy paused and looked up. “Holy-” I placed my finger on his mouth, to make him be quiet.

“It’s amazing, the architecture, Oh my gods, this is stunning, look at the pillars, oh the detail.” I said, looking at awe at the house that stood before me. “Heaven truly is a place on earth.” Someone pushed me inside. I looked behind me, it wasn’t Percy, Connor, Travis, Jason, Piper or Leo but a girl how I’d seen at camp but never actually met her.

“Hey, the names Stacy, you were gawking at the house so I took you inside, the neighbours were staring.” She giggled.

“Um, who are you?” I questioned.

“Oh Leo’s sister.”  I smiled at her then looked around. The house was massive, there was a golden lift on the left side, with pot plants next to it, and the lounge room was huge, with a GIANT TV in the middle. I sat down on the sofa, which was super comfy, and turned on the TV. To my surprise, the gods were all gathered together, sitting in Olympus.

“Hello Annabeth.” Mum said

“Hi mum.” I waved.

“Hello Annabeth.” The rest said. Poseidon looked around.

“Where are Percy and all the others?”

“Oh. GUYS COME HER!” I shouted. The room was soon filled with demi-gods.

“Hi dad.” Percy said

“Hello Percy.”

Once everyone had said hello Zeus cleared his throat.

“Do you like the house?” He said


“Have you seen your rooms?”


“Do you want to see your rooms?”


“Well, call us back after you have settled in. We need you feedback.” Zeus said.

“But are you going to set rules?” I asked. Connor and Travis laughed.

“Soon, my dear.” My mum replied. And then the line went black.

“So, what are we waiting for? LETS GO SEE OUR ROOMS!” Leo shouted, running to the lift.


Me: Ta Da, they have moved into the house. Three  stories high, a training room underground and a giant swimming pool out back for little Percy.

Percy: I am not little, the yeah the house is epic.

Leo: Percy you are so romantical.

Percy: Huh

Piper: Very creative Leo, very creative.

Percy: Well Annabeth loves me. BAM

Annabeth: You’re lucky that I do, or otherwise, actually I don’t know.

Jason: Okay whatever now shh.

Me: Thanks Jason.

Jason: No problem *Piper glares at Jason* But I love Piper not you.

Piper: Aww thanks baby.

Me: Um ok, I don’t not own these characters-

Percy: Well duh

Annabeth: Let the girl speak.

Me: As I was saying, I do not own these characters (Thank the gods) Rick Riordan does.

Jason: Why did you dedicate this story to keelecool?

Me: Beacause she is really cool and was my second follower.

Annabeth: Oh. will we meet her.

Me: Dunno?


Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of New Yorkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें