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Chapter 7


Well, how do I put this? School sucks. My first class was English with my brother (I don't know why, he is older than me, I guess the gods felt a bit silly on the day the gave our information to this school)  and Piper. Yeah I had my friends in my class, but the thing was, I wasn’t even allowed to talk to them. My teacher, Mrs Kapok (Weird name, I know) made it evident that if anyone talks without permission that she will personally escort them to her office where they have to spend lunch time with her talking about random shit. I don’t usually follow the rules, so naturally I decided that I should say something completely unorthodox, so I did. I yelled out when it was complete silence.  “Look everyone, Travis did a shit in his pants.” Travis got up and gave me a death stare.

“What in the name of Hades did you say that for?” Travis screamed.  

“Chill out, look.” I said pointing to the teacher, who was about to rage. “Play along.” Travis didn’t need to be told twice.

“Connor, why did you have to do this… without my permission, like, c’mon we could of done something better, but no. You had to say I did a freaking shit in my pants.” Travis said, laughing.  “Now you are going to get us in trouble, you have ruined my exemplary student record.” We both burst out laughing.

“SHUT UP, YOU TWO. SEE ME AFTER CLASS!” The teacher screamed. The class immediately went quiet and resumed their work. Travis and I stifled back laughter and returned to our seats.

“Her… Her…Her face was hiccup bloody price- hiccup priceless.” Travis hiccupped.

“I know right.” I agreed.

After class was horrible, Mrs Kapok came up to Travis and I and gave us this full on lecture about how disrespect that was to her, the class and ourselves, but to be honest I couldn’t care less. But she said that since it was our first day at the school and that Travis had an exemplary student record- bull- that she would give us a warning and if we pulled anything like that again, she will see to it personally. Then she walked off. Travis and I hi-fived, then went our separate ways to our next classes.  Which in my case, sucked.

 And this is where I have come to a conclusion that schools sucks and is only fun if you piss the teachers off.


At lunch time I met up with the others. We talked about classes and some people who seemed a bit odd. Jason told us how he has made a few new mates and he will be asking them to come hang with us. Percy described how in science he almost blew up one of the labs. Leo has made numerous new mates, and he will be going to his new friend, Max’s house next week. Annabeth and Piper were silent. Except when Travis and I brought up what happened in English and Piper chimed in, and Annabeth laughed.

“Aw, I wish I could’ve been there.” Annabeth sighed, “My English class is so boring. I have no friends and my teacher is… is weird.” She said that as if you could catch ‘weird’. Percy slung his arm around her shoulder.

“Annabeth… it mustn’t be that bad, you’ll make new friends.”

“Yeah.” She wriggled out from under Percy’s arm. “About that. I was speaking to this girl before and well, it turns out we have a lot in common, her name is Natalia. She’s heaps nice, though not in my English class but in history. And-” Annabeth paused and looked over to a girl waving at her. “There she is. You don’t mind if she sits with us, do you?”

“It’s fine.” Travis and I said at the same time, Annabeth nodded and jumped up, walking over to her friend. She brought her over and they both sat down.

“Hi.” Piper said. “The names Piper and this is Travis, Connor, Percy, Jason, Leo and well you have already met Annabeth.” We all said hi.

“Are you guys twins?” Natalia asked point at Travis and I.

“No!” We shouted together. 

“Okay, just checking, you look like you could be.” Natalia laughed. Now I’ve seen some pretty faces back at camp, but none compared to Natalia’s, she had blonde hair that just went pass her shoulders, her eyes were bright blue, with hints of green.  Her skin, flawless. She could easily pass off as a daughter of Aphrodite, easy.

I didn’t realise how long I had been gawking but someone pinched my arm breaking my concentration.

“Ow!” I yelped. And looked over to Jason who was whistling, as if he hadn’t done anything. I muttered some ancient geek curses (The cussing kind) and started making small talk with Natalia.  “So, yum Natalia, where you from?” I asked.

“Manhattan. You?”

“Oh I live here, in new York. In the new house that has been built a few blocks down.”

“Oh yeah, I heard ‘bout that. Everyone was shocked at how fast a house of that size went up so fast, especially my dad, he’s real superstitious he thinks some magical force created that house.” Everyone went quiet. “But I don’t believe him, the builders must have been really efficient, and plus it’s not my place to know.”  She sighed. “He’s been like that since I could remember. I think it all started when mum left, though I don’t know that much about her. All I know is that, according to dad she was the most amazing person in the world and she was gorgeous. I’ve seen pictures and it’s true.” Piper looked at me.

“Does your dad tell you anything about your mum?”

“Only that she can’t see me. As in can’t visit. And something about geek stuff, but apart from that. Nothing.”

I think we might need to keep an eye on Natalia, she might be a demi-god. Was what everyone one at the moment was thinking…


Me: Ooooohhh a possible demi-god, what are they going to do?

Percy: Should we tell anyone, or bring her back to camp.

Jason: I think we should watch her and just check.

Piper: Yeah I think so too.

Stacy: The next chapter is Jason POV btw.

Jason: Oi, that was my job to say that, but oh well.

Nico: You finally come home and save me from another round of singstar.

Percy: Lets not come home.

Nico: Puck you sir.

Annabeth: Excuse me?

Nico: I said puck you not f**k you.

Stacy: Oh shut up.

Me: Thanks, now I do not own the PJ series or the HOO series. Rick Riordan does.



BTW, Pretend Jack's eyes are blue kay! >>>> Jack is 'connor' in this story, yes I have changed it but oh well!

Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of New YorkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora