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Chapter 12


Remind me never to let Jason talk me into playing poker ever again. Urgh it was humiliating. We played and whoever won got my awesome car and whoever lost well, lost. I thought I had this in the bag, I’m pretty good at poker if I don’t say so myself. I will always find a way to win…even if it involves cheating. Though I rarely stoop to that level. Anyway as I was saying, Jason is the best at poker, but the stupid basted didn’t tell me that, if I had known I would probably have a car, but no, now sir Jason of poker-town has my super awesome  car and I have nothing.

I was starting to begin working on ‘Leo’s awesome car 2.0’ when Percy ran into the garage knocking over a few other things I was working on.

“Gee thanks.” I muttered

“Sorry mate, oh I heard about your epic fail of a loss to Jason in poker.” Percy chuckled.

“His name cannot be spoken in here.” I lit my hand on fire and laughed evilly. “Jason Grace is a sworn enemy of golem. Stupid Jason, stupid, stupid Jason.”  I squatted on the ground and tried to do my best golem impression.  Percy stepped back a few steps knocking over a few cans of paint. I laughed wickedly and lunged at Percy, who dumped at least 3 litres of water on top of me, putting out the fire on my hand. “Aw poo.” I looked at Percy who looked like he had just seen a ghost. Percy walked over to me and slapped my cheek, hard.

“You’re such a weirdo Leo. If you ever turned into a mad scientist I swear to the gods that you would find a way to destroy all life on earth.”

“Well you know, I do try. I really do.” I laughed punching Percy in the arm.

“Ow, anyway I’ve come to tell you that you, Stacy, Annabeth and I are going to go find Nico.”

“Why did you choose me, exactly?” I asked. “I have many things that I would like to do, for example make a better car and find a girlfriend.”

“You can make it when we get back, and as for a girlfriend, well that can wait.”

I sighed, there was no point to arguing with Percy Jackson I’d lose.

“Fine, only if I don’t have to bring marshmallows.”  Percy laughed at me and walked out of the door.

“Sure Leo, now finish that car.”


Shame really, school is today, and well everyone is really attentive and for a bunch of ADHD kids it’s really hard, and slightly weird.

Anyway… I’m not one of those people who hold grudges, so yeah, I’ve forgiven Jason, though he made me ride my bike, which id awesome ‘cause I have put a motor in it and all though girls prefer cars to bikes and I’m really trying hard, which I guess make me seem desperate, but being one of the only single guys in the house is kinda depressing. Travis and Katie caught up, yesterday and he comes home arm in arm with her, like seriously c’mon. I think even Nico was having better luck then I was and he isn’t even here, he is somewhere along the banks of the Mississippi river talking to Willow a tree nymph. And then there’s poor old Leo and his trusty bike called Rusty.

Back on topic. Nico’s rescue party (which I’m a part of) Leaves in three days’ time. Until then Percy has given me the job of getting a new car ready, building some other things and going to the supermarket to get food. The supermarket really, couldn’t he do that, or Annabeth. I didn’t even agree to come on this trip, but I am going because I’m a nice person.

Anyway, enough of my rant. Focus on the road Leo focus on the road. Focus on the- Oh look at that my shoelace has come undone, should I do it up- wait, the road look at the road, watch for cars, do not die- But my shoelace, THE ROAD LEO, the road is more important than a stupid shoelace, oh look school. I should do up my shoelace now. Hmm nah, focus on the road, don’t fall off, you’ll look like an idiot. Arh crap.

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