165. Despair

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They stay to believe.
To ask
To pray.
That Karma will give you
What you deserve someday.
That all you have to do is ask
Or meet it half way.
Now so many years have passed.
I don't know how much longer
I can last.
It seems too late to me.
To find someone.
To be something.
To be loved and happy.
Is my life most
Ultimately doomed?
Shall I always be a hermit?
A caterpillar never released
From her from her cocoon?
Do I just wait as I
Wither and die?
Will my wings ever unfurl
And let me fly?
I sink deep into despair.
Feels so hopeless.
Darker than night.
Dense is the air.
But for some reason
I am still here.
To fulfill my purpose I hope
Somehow, somewhere.
Who do I have to convince
To give me a try?
Lend me their ear?
Friends and family don't know
How to aid me in my plight.
I sink.
I sigh.
I float down and down.
Always so lost.
Maybe never to be found...  

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