129. Bloody Prize

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Silly childish competitions bring our demise.
We are supposed to be a team.
Helping each other rise.
Standing side by side.
Why do you run sideways like a crab?
Fast like a frightened horse?
Losing you was like losing an arm.
I was getting attached.
We were so alike.
Doppelganger of the opposite sex.
How could I lose someone who fits so well?
Maybe it was all a game.
Pretending to like the same.
Pretending to like me so I'd fall.
So you could hang another heart
On your belt like a prize.
Something to show as proof of their love.
Though you could never reciprocate.
Maybe you just stole hearts because
You haven't got one of your own.
Not anymore.
It was beaten out of you a long time ago.
For that I am sorry.
I wish I could heal that pain for you.
To cure the monster
Make him a prince.
But the ogre guarding your walls
Is so strong.
It eats women alive.
Leaving you with nothing
But your bloody prize.  

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