33. I Want To Believe

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 You can say it any time of the year.
It won't be more today than any other day.
But I want to tell you
How much I love you in every way.
It's like I know you.
I can feel you.
Every part of me aches.
My heart may explode
If we ever finally find each other.
I want to believe
That there is someone out there
I was born to love.
Who was born to love me.
Destined, like to stars colliding.
Fate. Kismet.
Stomachs filled with butterflies.
My eyes won't sleep.
They fill with tears and longing.
We've been apart so long
So much wasted time.
I hope it's not too late.
That we didn't miss each other.
That one day we'll soon meet
And your heart will be forever
Imprinted on mine.
As mine will be burned into yours.  

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