114. If I Could

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Sometimes I wish I could erase you from my heart.
To peel away the feelings and leave me bare & numb.
I wish that I wasn't such a romantic...
That I could just take you off my mind
As one does a shirt off the body...
If there was a button to eject you from my heart
So I could feel nothing--
As I think you do about me--I'd press it.
Because love is a two way street
And I am on this road alone.
Two people should be safe
And in love.
If I could unwrite the songs my heart sings for you
And make my soul mute--I would.
If I could remove your face--
Those twinkling eyes--
From my sight
So I'll never be able to see you with another
It would be for the best.
If I could drown out the sound of your voice--
And how you say my name--
And makes me freeze like a deer--I would.
It's not fair for someone to have such power,
Such control over another,
Though you are probably completely unaware.
Such is my dilemma.
My private sorrow.
My frozen happiness.
The endless waking dreams that rob me from
My sleep and makes me question my sanity.
If I could take this stone off my heart
That makes me feel inferior to you.
That stifles my courage to tell you
I'm falling in love with you...
Would I?  

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