Chapter 23

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I pull up to the starting line "buckle up" I tell her revving the engine making her laugh but do as I say. "So, why you hanging out with her?" I motion to Kia who's conveniently pulled up next to me in a blue Lamborghini. She's mugging hard as fuck, but with my tint I know she can't see me. I roll my eyes as I wait for Diamond to explain, it's hard to imagine her being friends with that kind of bitch. I don't even know her, and she looks manipulative as shit.

"I've known Kianna since I was 15 Dre, me and Monica have been friends since kindergarten days, it was a matter of time before we met. One day Kianna came to visit from college, me and Moni went to a party, we got drunk one thing led to another and me and  Kia hooked up. We kept on fucking around after that and eventually I told Monica and she was totally against it, but I didn't listen to her warning. I started to grow feelings for Kia, and I just couldn't do without her." Diamond rolls her eyes I guess thinking back to her past with the bitch, at least she's not still stuck on her ass.

"She went back to college, and we continued to talk, she asked me out and I was all for it, I thought I was the shit honestly dating a college girl." The sounds of engines revving fill the night as we all wait at the starting line. It's been a while since I've driven in a race, but to me there's less pressure than driving in a getaway, the only thing I have to worry about here is people doing dirty shit. Some half-dressed girl comes and does the count down, the sounds of muffled cheers fill my ears, but I pay them no mind as I look back to Diamond before were off.

"What happened?" I drive calmly down the deserted street already taking the lead thanks to my new car, I made sure to get some upgrades installed too, I'm just glad it got finished in time. I look in my rear-view mirror and see Kia is close behind me, she can obviously drive, but I know my car is faster and I'm better.

"Things were good with me and Kia for a while and I had grown to love her, or my naïve ass thought it was love, and she told me the same thing. But I was young and blind, so I believed her, looking back that shit was dumb as hell, there were so many signs that I just decided to ignore." I glance over at Diamond who's shaking her head.

I quickly drift the next turn as I see Kianna getting closer until she was next to me. We have 5 more miles till the finish line and the race is really between me and Kianna everybody else is at least half a mile back. We both look at each other then sped up at the same time, she tries to bump me, but I lift my foot off the gas slowing down enough to make her barely miss and give her the lead. I mug her car hard and speed back up until I'm riding her ass unable to get around her. If she fucks my new car up there's going to be a fight for sure.

Three more miles.

"About 2 months after we got together Kia started to get distant and act weird. When I finally got my license me and Moni decided to go and visit her at school. When we got there, we headed straight to her dorm building, she was walking out as I was walking in. She looked so surprised, and I knew everything I needed just by seeing her face, I still tried to hug her anyway, but she backed up. Next thing I know some guy, Anthony, has his arm around her." I see Diamond's fist clench out the corner of my eye but don't say anything, I don't mind that anger building towards Kia at all. I speed up and manage to get around her before I eventually cut off Kianna weaving so she can't get around me. Only 1 and 1/2 miles to go.

"He kissed her then looked at us and asked who we were, I told him I was just there with Moni visiting the school. I got the chance to confront her, and she told that they were engaged and had a son on the way That's why she started ghosting me after a few weeks. My heart was fucking broken, and I was embarrassed, she had lied and played the fuck out of me. I hadn't talked to her for a few years until she decided to visit" Diamond finishes her story with a deep breath.

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