Chapter 14

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I inwardly groan and cuss myself out in frustration as another one of my shots don't go in. This is probably one of the biggest games of my career so far and here I am blowing it by playing like shit. I had 10 points, 5 assists, 2 fouls, and 3 turnovers and it's already the second quarter. I run back as the other team started a fast break, but it's too late as their point guard stops and hits a three. They were already up by 10 points, but I can't seem to fucking focus. After Lay told me she might be pregnant two weeks ago that's all I can think about.

The results are supposed to come tomorrow, but the answer is pretty obvious, so coach isn't letting her play, which doesn't help me at all. I'm anxious. I don't know if her and Anthony were together or not, she hasn't mentioned him, I haven't asked because I honestly don't care. But Lay was my best friend and she loved ball just as much as I did. If she was pregnant, I don't know what she would do.

After the girl makes the shot, the buzzer sounds and I roll my eyes as I put a towel over my head and walk away from the court feeling a weight on my shoulders, I could see the scouts were unimpressed and I no it's going to have a negative impact. We all follow coach to the locker room quietly, she's been yelling and cussing at us all game, she's pissed, and I didn't blame her. We were all playing like shit and it's fucking embarrassing.

"Hurry up and sit y'all asses down. Girls what the hell is going on? We're better than those first two quarters. This doesn't look like the same undefeated team that won state and are trying to get to the playoffs. Y'all playing like shit out there, just because Malaya isn't playing doesn't mean you just give up. If anything, you work harder. Now if y'all don't want to play I can just send in the fucking junior varsity and call this shit a fucking practice game."

Nobody says anything as we all just hold our heads down knowing she's just speaking facts and she's right; we need to get our shit together, especially me. This is a big ass opportunity for me, and I'm not about to blow it.

Coach sighs and walks in between us, looking us each in the eye. "You girls are way better than they are we're down ten and y'all need to win this quarter. So, stop feeling sorry for yourselves suck it up and work y'all asses off. Play like I know you can, and we got this alright let go warm up."

I stay sitting for a while and just look at Lay, she's been sitting on the bench trying to motivate us, but it isn't helping me like it usually would, maybe because of our change in dynamic, or all the shit that's been going on, I'm not sure but I have to push it aside. She stares right back at me and shakes her head.

"Listen Dre this is a great chance for you, don't let my bullshit get in the way of how you play. You can take any of them girls out there. So, fucking do it alright. Don't worry about shit, just go get that fucking scholarship so you can get the hell out of here".

I nod and stand up; Lay lightly hits me on the back of the head before walking out of the locker room. I heard the buzzer sound indicating half time was almost over. I think over something my dad would tell me when I was just starting to pick up a basketball.

"It is said that good things come to those who wait. I believe that good things come to those who work."-- Wilt Chamberlain.

It's time I show everyone just how much I bust my ass to be the best. I open the door and head down the hall to the court, where I see Diamond leaning against the wall. I go up to her and she stands up straight looking at me with her signature smirk.

"You, okay?" she asks looking up at me making me smile and nod. She's forever trying to take care of me like she's my mom or something. It's cute though, for the past few weeks, she's really been holding me down and she isn't all over me about what's going on or what I'm doing.

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