Chapter 20

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"Well, I need to get unpacked, can you help me with my bags?" Kia ask me without waiting for my reply and start walking toward the extra guest room across. I look at Monica and she gives me a smile and shrug, as if ask what's the worse that could happen, so with a sigh I pick up Kia's suitcase and go to her new room. She's bending down to plug her phone into the charger, and I guess she doesn't hear me come in because when she turns around, she jumps a little but smiles regardless showing me her pearly white teeth.

"So, are you just going to stare at me with that sexy ass straight face of yours the entire time I'm here?" I shrug feeling my words get caught in my throat as I put her bag down by the foot of the bed. Kia sighs, but thanks me quietly. I can tell she's thinking of a lot of shit, but it's not like I don't want to talk to her, I just don't know what to say that isn't stupid or sexual, because damn she looks good. She had hurt me bad, but I need to move on and what's the worst that can happen, if she does know about Anthony, she's as good as single, and I'm single, we're grown.

Wait, no what am I thinking? Kia played the fuck outta me, I can't just forget about what happened I loved her, a lot and that proved to be a mistake. My thoughts are cut short as Kia comes and sits on the end of the bed were I'm still lingering, for some reason, next to her bag.

"I'm not going to just stare at you the entire time, I just I don't know what to say, it's been almost 3 years since I've heard anything from you and Monica said you were staying at a hotel."

She looked up at me and shrugs smirking slightly "something came up with my money, so I couldn't stay at the hotel. If it's a problem I can go somewhere else."

I shake my head "it's not my place" Kia licks her lip and she looks more than good sitting there on the bed sizing me up.

"What you doing down here anyway?" For the first time since she's been back Kia looks away from my eyes and shrugs "just wanted to visit my lil cousin."

I give her a look of disbelief making her sigh, as she stands. "Anthony and I are separated, and I really don't want to talk about it, so Cruz offered me a job moving some cars, it's a good distraction".

I nod "well I'll leave you to unpack and stuff" I start to walk away, but Kia wraps her arm around my waist and turns me around to face her.

"I don't get a hug or anything" Kia pulls me closer to her wrapping her arms around my neck making me laugh and I pick her up spinning us around. This is the shit I missed.

After I put her down, she said she wants to get unpacked and that she'll be down in a little while, so I leave and go downstairs where Monica is texting and watching TV.

"I didn't hear any yelling and there are no tears so that's a good sign and sorry I didn't tell you about her coming to stay here, I forgot until she called me this morning." I shrug and sit next to her "it's cool, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be".

An hour or so later Monica and I get hungry, so we decide to make diner instead of ordering out. I turn on Pandora and hit shuffle. I start taking out everything we need to make alfredo and Monica and I get to work cooking and dancing around the kitchen. We're so lost in what we're doing that when a song ends and there's a clap from behind us, we both jump and turn around startled. Kia's leaning against the fridge smirking at us, well me, her eyes are burning a while into me.

"Oh, please dont stop on account of me I was just starting to enjoy the view." Kia says slowly looking me up and down and I lick my lips feeling the air shift between us.

"Well if you two are done flirting, I'm starving" Monica makes her plate and leaves to sit in the living room snapping me out of my daze and I start to make my plate ignoring the tension until she comes over.

"Mm this smells good" she says as she wraps her arm around my waist as she looks around me to see the food. Her arm lingers for a minute longer before she moves and starts fixing her own plate.

I shake my head and finish getting my food before joining Moni in the living room. I lay on the floor in front of the couch while they share the couch. I eat and watch TV trying to act normal and do my best to ignore the pair of eyes staring a hole into my back. When a commercial comes on, I offer to do the dishes so Moni can go get ready for her date with Izzy.

I get our dishes while Kia offers to help clean up the kitchen. No words are said between us, but I'm glad it isn't awkward despite the tension. We finish cleaning in silence and I'm in the middle of drying my hands when I feel Kia staring at me again, so I turn around intent on asking what she wants only to find that she's right in front of me. I take a deep breath the words getting caught in my throat as I wait for her to say or do anything.

She bites her lip and moves closer to me placing a single, almost tentative kiss on my lips before moving back. Kia looks me in my eyes letting me decide the next move. We have a stare off for at least one minute until I stop overthinking and just do what I want. Next thing I know I have her against the fridge with my hands under her shirt and my tongue in her mouth as we kiss with reckless abandon, our lips saying the words we refuse to utter. I suck and bite her bottom lip before licking the pain away just the way I know she likes. I pick her up and she doesn't hesitate to wrap her legs around my waist bringing our bodies impossibly closer. I kiss her neck no doubt leaving marks as she grips my hair and pulls me back to connect our lips again. Kia moans my name and I almost lose it; I have to remind myself that we're in my best friends kitchen.

I move back from her and catch my breath as I put her down and stare at her. She looks sexy as fuck in her disheveled state, her hair is messy on account of my hands and her chest rises and falls as she tries to catch her breath, and her lips are already beginning to swell with how much I've suck and kissed them. You can see the various marks that I left on her neck already starting to form and I take as many mental pictures as possible. As good as kissing Kia is that's what I was trying to avoid. There are too many underlining problems that I know will never get solved, but damn it she's so addicting.

She runs her hands on my torso before looking at me with a small genuine smile, "I missed you Di"

"I missed you too" I mumble as I pull Kia close to me and kissing her roughly again, hating myself for how much I want her. She's my drug and after years of rehab and going without her, she just waltz back and here I am feigning from just one simple taste. I'm hooked. Again.

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