Chapter 18 pt.1

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King called me saying somebody hit one of our spots and a few of our guys got killed tonight and interrupted my conversation with Diamond. I'm lowkey pissed that King had to call and interrupt our talk and I'm even more mad at myself for not just saying the shit a while ago. She's available for anybody else, and I don't think she's going to wait for me much longer.

Maybe it really is a sign that we shouldn't be together.

I shake that thought off and push all my personally shit aside as I arrive at the trap. I walk into the smoke-filled house and shake up a few workers before I go to King's office unable to stop my wondering eyes from noticing all the half-naked women working and walking around. I knock on Kings door and wait for him to tell me to come in. When he said I could I walked in and sit at the couch while he finishes up whatever meeting he has going on.

Kat, the woman in charge of keeping the rest of the girls in line, comes over to me with a blunt before delicately sitting on my lap. Her tight ass red dress rides up damn near to her hips, but she simply crosses her legs unbothered. She lights the blunt taking a few hits before she grabs my chin and shotguns the smoke into my mouth.

"I heard you have a new shorty on your arm these days" Kat speaks just loud enough for both of us to hear and I exhale with a small nod as I think about Diamond.

"Something like that" she hums as the men stand and shake hands. I notice that the guy King is meeting with has the same tattoo as our rivals, but I don't speak on it. I don't get into the business side with King despite him trying to get me to move up in ranks, I'd rather just do my shit, get paid, and take my ass home.

"I can run a check on her if you want, free of charge" Kat places soft kisses on my cheek while I simply shake my head at her offer.

"No thanks Kat" she shrugs before giving me the blunt and standing to escort King's guest out the room. I go to stand in front of his desk while he sighs pulling out a crystal decanter and a box of cigars.

"What you need me to do?"

"Cruz and I are working on a peace treaty due to this rising rat infestation. Apparently, a few of his places got hit by the same crew, maybe mercenaries, low-level boys trying to move up, or it's these rats personally getting their hands dirty. Either way these three spots need to be clear, I need you to make sure that this shit gets gone tonight. I'll give you a list of what needs to be moved. Once that's done meet up with Ice at the warehouse then go take them niggas out". I nod taking the two guns and ammo he gives me and tucking them into my waistband and pockets.

"There's a new girl, Nikki, she was working in the strip club, but now she wants to be a soldier. I'm not to convinced she can handle it. KAT!" King yells for her and it's barely a minute later that she appears ready to do his bidding. He tells her to bring this Nikki girl and I sigh as I look at King smacking my lips.

"You want me to move all this shit and baby sit at the same time?"

"Yes, problem?"

"If you don't trust her, why bring her to where we're moving the shit?"

"It's getting shipped out tonight anyway she doesn't know that" King doesn't explain any further and I know I don't have a choice in the matter regardless. I refrain from rolling my eyes and smoke my blunt letting the drugs prepare my mind for the work ahead.

Kat and another girl comes into the room, and I sigh as King introduces us, "Nikki this is Dre, she's going to be showing you how shit works around here". The girl and I give each other a once over and I'm not going to lie, she's beautiful. She has light skin that's clearly been in the sun judging by the tan with tattoos decorating different parts of her arms. She's dressed in an oversized black hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, tight ripped black jeans, and black combat boots. Her hair is brown with dirty blond streaks and stops just below her chest and she has the figure you'd expect from one of King's strippers.

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