Chapter 6

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I get out my car and shake up with the guards at the door and they let me in the through the back door and as soon as I walk in the smell of pussy, weed, and alcohol immediately hit my nose. I ignore the stench and go to King's office doing my own personal knock. He tells me to come in, so I open the door and take a seat in the open chair next to Big Jon. He got his name cause he's buff as fuck and 6'8, he had dark skin and a bald head. In his late 20's he could've went to the NFL, but he got caught up in this lifestyle and couldn't get out.

"Alright, I called you guys in cause that new gang on 23rd just got bold as fuck. Those lil niggas stole from the trap over on 11th so go pay they assess a visit, take everything, and stay lowkey. Last thing I need is the commissioner and mayor to start running they damn mouth and send they noses to sniff out shit again." We both nod and shake up with King before strapping up. I have my favorite M16A4 that I use for work and my silver Beretta 9mm I always keep on me. I also have a black Colt 1911 punisher just in as a backup. I put silencers on all of them and get in an all-black bulletproof Camaro while Big John drives.

The car ride is silent, I rarely say anything to anybody in the gang unless it's about a job. I've been involved with King for 2 years and most of the people that work for him, I can't stand, but the money is nice and helpful. We pull up a few blocks away from their small trap house and I say a quick prayer before getting out. We knock on the door and step to the side waiting for someone to answer, and as soon as it opens, we start firing. Some of them are young guys around my age, maybe younger, it's sad sure, but it's either them or me. We clear the living room, kitchen, and backroom. Big Jon goes upstairs, and I go down shooting anybody that gets in my way.

While I'm reloading my gun and heading to the last room, I feel a burning pain in my back. I groan and turn around, much to my shock it's a girl around my age holding a knife, it's not often I see many female soldiers. She comes charging at me, but I quickly dodge to the side as the blood oozing out my side makes my shirt stick to my skin. She composes herself quickly before punching me in the jaw, her ashy ass knuckles re-splitting my lip and filling my mouth with blood. Now I'm irritated. I kick her in the stomach making her fall to the ground and this time I don't give her time to recover as I kick the gun out of her hand before stomping her stomach, chest, and face repeatedly. She groans and begins coughing up blood as her eyelids begin to lull back and I know she's losing consciousness.

I fire the gun twice in her chest and once in the head before stepping over her with a roll of my eyes. That bitch got my ass good in the side. I check the bloody gash and see it's not as bad it feels. I spit the blood out of my mouth and open the door I was originally heading towards. There are tables full of drugs, money, and weapons scattered around the room as well as some bags and cabinets full of duffle bags, I assume this is the shit they stole from King. Big Jon comes downstairs, and we start packing up everything leaving nothing behind. There is another door, so I motion to Big Jon who nods and prepares his gun as I walk to the door. I take a deep breath before opening the door cautiously raising my gun ready to fire on anyone inside. However, it's empty.

It's an empty concrete room that they've turned into an office with a big ass oak desk and a large black swivel chair, behind it is a white board and medium size safe in the corner. I call Big Jon in so he can open the safe while I pack all the folders. There's a big bang behind me and shook my head with a slight smile. This nigga really just picked up the safe and dropped on the floor, his caveman methods prove effective as the door pops open slightly.

We get everything out of the house and quickly load up the car and head back to the warehouse. Sirens can be heard in the distance, but we'll be far gone by the time they arrive, not like they give a fuck anyway. We give everything to King, and he pays us $5000 each and after talking about some more jobs that may be coming up, I'm free to go home. I'm tired as hell it's almost 7 o'clock in the morning and I just want to sleep. I'm so glad coach canceled practice cause I would be dead on my feet if I had to run and workout.

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