Chapter 10

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"Andréa please don't be rude Jason is just here to talk" I rolls my eyes but don't say anything else, this is the real reason her ass called me here. To have some kind of reconciliation with the fuck that got her addicted to drugs and took off the second he found out she was pregnant. Jason stands up and walks over to me with an outstretched hand, I acknowledge his gesture, but I don't reciprocate the action, so he slowly lowers his hand to his side.

"It's nice to see you again Andrea, I know I'm the last person you want to see, so I'll get straight to it. There are a lot of things I've done, that I know I can never make up for, but I am sorry for the struggle and pain I've caused with you, your sister, and your mother. I've been getting my life together, I'm sober and I have a full-time job, I've gotten married, and my wife would love to meet my daughter. I know you don't trust me, and you have every right, but I would like to see Ari and be the father she deserves".

I cross my arms and raise my brow skeptically, his eyes look sincere, but I've heard this shit before, from him and Sherrie. I'm not going to fall for the same bullshit he always said when he'd come back to this shithole after disappearing for anywhere from three days to a week. He looks better appearance wise though and it's clear to see that he hasn't been taking any drugs for at least a few months, but that could change at the drop of a pin.

Jason has more muscle since the last time I saw him, and his dark hair is cut low, and he has a shadow from his now shaved beard and goatee with the slit in his eyebrow he's always had, and that smile that makes him look like a villain. He's wearing a nice grey suit and a little a Rolex joined by a big ass ring on his left finger.

"So where is Ari?" he asks looking around the room. I glare daggers at him and his curiosity.

"She's safe and I intend on keeping it that way" he nods in understanding and I'm honestly surprised he doesn't try to put up more of an argument. Instead, he just turns and grabs a gift bad that's sitting next to his previous spot on the couch.

"Well can you please give this to her it's just a few stuffed animals, a few books, and interactive toys, along with a few outfits me and my wife picked out. Just something small, I know it can't make up for everything I've lost and done, but I hope it's a start" he hands me the bag and thanks Sherrie before turning back to me. "She's still my daughter and I really want to see her; I miss her, and I don't want to miss another moment in her life. You can be there with as much protection you want just think about it, please."

With that said he gives us both a final thank you and one last smile and walk out the door. I sigh in frustration and run a hand down my face.


"I got somewhere to be. I left the rest of the money on the counter". I walk out the door not waiting for her response and get in my car speeding off, the more I think about Jason the more irritated I get.

My foot presses down on the gas as my mind continues to race as fast as my car. This nigga thinks shit is all good like he isn't part of the reason Sherrie became a damn druggie. I start going 95 on the highway just thinking back to my childhood.

All the times I was left alone to fend for myself, the weeks without electricity, or food and water, the random people floating in and out of the house, the drugs and alcohol that resulted in beating I'm sure neither of them remember.

And now what? He gets to just waltz back in with his money and new life when we've been struggling since his ass fucking left. I have to work the streets just to keep the fucking power on at my "mother's" house. By now I'm going 100 mph and I know I need to calm down before I get a ticket or hit somebody which won't help anybody, least of all me.

I take a deep breath and ease off the gas and sigh as I force myself to calm down and stop being selfish. It's not fair or my decision Ari needs to know her dad, but I don't want her getting all attached just for him to disappear again. I'll do anything to protect my sister, even if that's from her own parents. I pull into the driveway the same time my phone goes off, letting me know I have a message, but when I park and check it, it's from the same unsaved number from before.

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