Chapter 22

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A Few Months Later


I wake up early morning considering that it's summer and my high school basketball career is officially over with a heartbreaking lost in the finals by three points. It was devastating, but we played hard, and it was a good game and I ended getting more offers from schools, but ultimately, I decided on UCLA. Aside from basketball Lay has been staying with me and her parents for the past 3 weeks. After she came to me crying with a black eye, I told her enough was enough. I had some of my niggas looking for Anthony bitch ass, but he was ghost. She's at least 7 months pregnant, and her ass is wobbling all around it's cute though. After we had sex a few months ago, we didn't talk about a relationship or anything we just kept hooking up from time to time. I have no idea what we are, but I don't want to have that conversation either.

We argue more and there are days were I can't stand her ass, but I don't want to just abandon her, and I care for her it's just complicated. Not to mention, Diamond and I barely speak now, I only see her on social media and there's always some bitch around her and the shit is irritating as fuck lowkey, but I know I don't have a right to question her about it. I look at the clock and it's barely 7:30 so I decide to get up and go for a run at the track to clear my mind. I put on some black Nike shorts and a black and red sports bra and my red and black KD 8's. I brush my teeth and put my hair up as I think over how I should approach Diamond. I miss her and if we never get together, I want her to know I still want to be friends, as long as she's in my life, I'll take what I can get.

I grab some breakfast and everything else I may need before I leave out my place and go down to my car. It doesn't take me long to pull up to the rec center and since it's early morning on a Thursday morning there aren't many people around. I got my wireless headphones, phone, and Gatorade, and lock before heading towards the track. An older couple is walking their dog, and another guy is practicing soccer on the field, while a few ladies walk and talk around the track. In total there were about 5 people on the track, so I won't have any problem running freely. I turn my headphones on and tuned out the world as I stretch and start a light jog.

I do at least four miles on the track before I stop to take a break, I'm tired, but in a good way. It helped me think and get my mind right and see things concerning Diamond and Malaya with a bit more clarity. Realistically, Lay only came back around because things with Anthony imploded and I fucked up my chances with Diamond, but I think it's rectifiable. At least, I hope.

I look at the time on my phone and it's almost 11 o'clock. Lay text me asking to bring her some food for lunch, and since I'm hungry too I decide to call it a day and get us both some food. I'm walking out the park taking my headphones out when I hear my name being called.

I turned around and see Monica, Diamond, and that other bitch that's always with her now. I inwardly roll my eyes at the sight of the girl as I give Monica a hug.

"Hey stranger what's it been two years, where have you been?" I laugh at Monica's stupid ass and push her lightly.

"Always exaggerating and I've been working, chilling." I say eyeing their friend, she's fine as hell honestly, I can't even be made at Diamond. But her stupid cocky ass smirk is irritating so fuck her, Monica and I talk easily as we walk to the parking lot, and I notice Diamond barely looks or speaks to me aside from a weak ass "what's up?" I don't say anything about it, even though it stings a bit,

"So, what y'all doing out here?" I ask as I unlocked my car tossing my shit into the passenger seat.

"We just came to use the indoor track and lift some weights, it's too hot to run outside today and they had some stuff going on at the rec near us, so we came here."

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