Chapter 17

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I throw popcorn at Diamond as we lay in the bed watching movies after an eventful day of going to the amusement park, beach, and dinner at a bar on the pier. Ari is with Jason again, so we decided to take advantage and go out unlike we usually do. We went to go take a look at the apartment I found, which proved to be a success, thanks to some help from King. Within a week, I'll have my own place and I'm pretty excited. No more being homeless and depending on people.

After we got everything situated there, we decided to come back to hers so I can pack my shit. Most of it is done and now we're relaxing for the night watching movies and I've been annoying her for the past hour just because I'm bored. Eventually, she starts ignoring me, so I was throwing popcorn at her to get her attention. It wasn't working so instead I straddle her lap blocking her view of the TV, so she has no choice but to pay attention to me.

"You going keep ignoring me baby?" Diamond doesn't say anything, but her hands find their spot grasping my hips drawing little circles on my exposed skin. She's still engrossed in the movie making me roll my eyes before I decide to get creative and start tickling her. She laugh and gasp squirming under me trying to stop my assault only resulting in us falling off the bed where we catch our breath on the floor.

"You're annoying you know that?" I nod my head and smile as I look at her. After our conversation, I've been waiting for the perfect time to make it official, but we seem to always get interrupted or we're busy. It's almost like something is preventing us from being together. It's not often we get time like this, with training, working, and Ari, but now could be the moment.

I stand and help her before we settle back into the bed, except this time she pulls me closer wrapping her arms and legs around me so she's cuddling into my chest. I try to fight down my nerves as I think of the best way to ask her to be mine. She draws circles on my stomach making it even harder to concentrate, her touch always seems to send shivers down my spine. I clear my throat as I finally decide on what I should say.

"Hey, um can I talk to you for a second?"

"Um okay" She has a confused and slightly nervous look as she pauses the movie and sit up. I move so we're face-to-face, Diamond's skin is flawless like it's really not fair.

"We've been doing this shit for a while now-" before I can continue my phone starts to ring. Since it's not loud I do my best to ignore it, but it doesn't stop making me sigh and roll my eyes. Every time we try to have this conversation this shit happens. I'm starting to think it's a sign.

"You should answer, it's probably important." She reaches over glancing at the name before holding my phone out for me and I reluctantly take it.


I get up and go to my closet so Dre can have her privacy while she talks with King, I contemplated turning her shit off until I saw his name. I don't want to get her in the doghouse just because I want to have a conversation that's continually interrupted.

I like Dre and it's safe to say my little crush has grown into some real feelings. I'm trying to be patient with her and let her make the first move, but she's taking forever and if it's not her it's someone else. I was lowkey annoyed that the phone started to ring especially when I think she was finally about to make it official, but it is what it is. Maybe I should take this as a sign or some shit.

So instead, I just look for clothes to put on because I don't wait here for her like some little housewife, and I know if I stay I will. It's highly probable she won't come home tonight, I'm not stupid I know what goes on when she works for King. We're not together so I don't have the right to call her out on shit, but I want it to be clear if and when we do get together, there's no other bitches. I don't like to share. When I walk out Dre is rushing around the room trying to get her shit together, so she can leave. I've never seen her this frantic and it kind of makes me nervous a bit.

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