Chapter 45 : Because of Love

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Like stupid,Jiyong following Yonghwa and Kwon Yong suk his own appa to other place far from that place.inside the car Jiyong didn't said anything instead of looking outside the car from the window.asking him self,why suddenly his appa that already dead for years suddenly alive and now sit beside him inside the car? He almost dial his eomma phone number to ask about it but then he cancel it because he didn't want to let his eomma find out about seungri too.the three of them stay in silent until they arrive in river side.Jiyong stay still and daydreaming thinking deep in his mind until he didn't realize the car already stop until his appa pat on his shoulder lightly.

"You grow up as good young man jiyong ah...will you give appa hug now?" Mr Kwon ask after stand infront of his only one son. "You didn't happy could meet appa again? Appa really miss you my son" Mr kwon pull jiyong in his embrace but jiyong push him away and walk away. "Appa,i don't know did i still can call you appa! All these time they told me you are dead,eomma said you leave us and died together with other lady.if you miss me...if you really miss me?! Then why you never come to see me?! Why you never call or told to me you still alive?! Why?! Why appa?! Why?!" Jiyong shout angry and dissapointed. "Because i can't...because of you and for that poor kid i can't do that.your eomma said she will ruin your life and destroy that kid's life until i feel sorry for everything." Mr kwon answer desperately and sadly try to explain and make jiyong get shocked with the answer.

"that other lady that your eomma told to you is your friend's eomma,she is Jung Yung Mi,wife of Lee Hyun Joo.their one and only son is Lee Seung Hyun or Lee Seungri that almost die in your eomma's hands several time jiyong ah.Yung Mi not my other lady,she is just one of my bestfriend after i'm married your eomma.if you want know who is the one that get hurt because of me,that person is Yung Mi.she got hurt by yout eomma because she is my girlfriend before your own eomma spread lies and make her leave me." Mr kwon try to explain while shed tears feel the painful guilty deep inside his heart. "Your eomma know i won't leave yung mi and choose your eomma as wife.but then yung mi leave after your eomma lied about she already pregnant.after a months yung mi dissapear i'm married with your eomma and know about her lie story but couldn't cancel the marriage for company future and your grandparents." Mr Kwon sigh he still weak in his position that time. "Then why appa still leave with her and leave us?" Jiyong ask sadly try to accept the story he just hear from his appa. "I meet yung mi 3 years after marriage and she also just married with my friend Lee hyun joo.they got a lovely cute baby,that baby is your friend Lee SeungRi.we become bestfriend and forget all about the past after i told her about your eomma fake pregnant that time.but then i also told them i also already have son soon after married with your eomma and that is you jiyong ah...but your eomma get blind with her jealous heart.she paid person to kill seungri that still baby with poison milk.we did safe him but the poison also make we found about his heart failure disease that slowly killing the baby." Mr kwon rubbing his own face that feel stress. "Eomma?! She did that?! But why appa?" Jiyong almost cry hear his eomma also try to kill his friend seungri when still baby. "She though seungri is my son and even we try to explain she doesn't want to hear.until she drive alone chasing Lee's family car that rush to hospital that time because they want to save seungri that still five years old and got heart attact." Mr kwon explain sadly

"Then the accident happen,Ri's eomma and appa died in the car accident right? They sent Ri to orphanage because Ri didn't have any relatives anymore right? Then why you didn't raise Ri with us that time appa?" Jiyong feel more curious.he saw his appa sit on the bench near there and sigh. "Because i though that kid already died,i just found both of my bestfriends bodies and another kid dead bodies that unrecognize in that accident.Ri lost his appa but atleast he still have his eomma." Mr Kwon answer sadly and make his son jiyong got more shock. "Appa,you mean Jung Yung Mi, she still alive? SeungRi's eomma still alive?! Where is she now? Appa,did Ri know about this? didn't lie to me right?" Jiyong ask curiously and full of hope. "Yes she is still alive,but even i can save her life,until now she live in her own world.she lost her mind and soul since that accident.she just sitting all day long hugging a teddy bear in her embrace.singing lullaby for her fake baby.and now she still safe stay in japan with secret place and identity.that time i'm came back to seoul to take you with me to japan after more than 2 years but your eomma chasing us and we got another car got amnesia and forget everythings and then your eomma forced me to sign the deal not to meet you anymore or she will make you as her revenge for make me feel guilty forever.she even said Ri still alive in her hands and she will torture that poor kid if i'm stay in seoul and come to meet you my son.she give you fake memories and told you i'm died in car accident with other lady." Mr kwon close his eyes and desperately try to explain. "Then appa know Eomma find out about Ri so appa back to meet me? Or appa only want to save Ri?" Jiyong ask sadly after hear all his appa story. "I'm back to keep you safe from your eomma ego and anger.she didn't keep her promise to take care you as eomma.she make you life in suffer just for gain more money and lack of love as revenge because she hate me.i try to buy half of company with my money and use other people name so i could get half control of the company.that is why she couldn't make you work that hard anymore till i found about Ri that i try to find before.destiny make both of you meet again and i hope i could protect both of you from your eomma's hands this time." Mr Kwon hug jiyong in his embrace and he feel really happy Jiyong didn't push him away this time. "But what should we do? Now Ri already blind,he hate me because i ruin his life.Ri will hate me more if he know all of this." Jiyong feel really sad after hear all of that. "He didn't hate you,and never hate you...and Ri already know your eomma is the person that already kill his parents and make him dying and blind.but seungri never hate anyone.Ri even didn't hate your eomma." Mr Kwon answer make jiyong pop out his eyes and still couldn't believe what he just hear. "Ri even told me not to report your eomma to police and told me he just need back to his own family and he will forgive your eomma for everythings." Mr kwon smile bitterly and make jiyong feel more sad and hurt realize how kind his friend still not hate his eomma after everything that happen.

That night Jiyong back to his appa house,they talk a lot about all the times that they lost before.Mr Kwon feel grateful he finally could meet and talk with his own son again after all this time he just could watch from far and couldn't hold on his son's hands.jiyong also feel surprise his appa know he is pretend as mute assistant for stay beside Ri that still blind.he feel glad finally he could meet his appa again after he though already died few years ago.

The next morning,they have breakfast together with SeungRi and they just could sigh saw how stubborn Ri try to feeding him self and refuse anyone feed him.Jiyong also stubborn try to cut the meet become small pieces before place back the plate infront of seungri that almost refuse to eat because jiyong didn't let him cut the meat by him self.all meat,bread, saussage,salad already got cut well in small pieces by jiyong before he let seungri eat it.Mr Kwon and Yonghwa facepalm them self when saw jiyong forced seungri to sit back and hold on spoon an forks with both of his hands.they close their ears when seungri yell in angry. "I can cut my own foods.i'm full i don't want to eat now!" Seungri pout and try to leave but jiyong quickly pull his hand and make him sit back On his chair. "Ri,Jerry just want to help you.please eat your foods ok? You didn't eat anything yet,how can you get full?" Mr kwon try to calm down seungri that look unhappy. "Uncle, i don't want like this...i'm feel useless if everyone help me to do something." Seungri complain unhappy but then he eat his foods after feel light pats on his right hand.actually seungri feel bad get angry to jerry hyung his new assistant that surely won't reply anything to him but he really feel sad when peoples around him helping him to do everything. "I'm sorry Ri,just be patient until we got new eyes for you ok?" Mr kwon said and quickly regrets his words when saw seungri tears fell down wet his cheeks.they all feel sad when seungri keep feed him self the bread while wipes away his tears.they know seungri actually really scared and feel hopeless with his blind eyes.

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