Chapter 41 : Meet The Broken Soul

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Youngbae call Choi's family and ask them to meet him in Jiyong's house in seoul tomorrow and promised them to explain it later after they arrive.After that youngbae went to jiyong's house just tell the good news but he also didn't know how to start explain after saw jiyong drown him self in sorrow all these times just because they thought seungri their friend died in that fire accident.

Youngbae just could sigh saw jiyong once again drunk while hugging on the seungri's sweater on the couch,sometime he sobbing while whispering sorry again and again.sometime he crying like crazy and suddenly laughing loudly while his tears keep wet his cheeks. "Jiyong ah,i have something to tell you about seungri,please...please stop drink that damn liquor!" Youngbae almost lost his patient again face jiyong's bad habit since seungri leave them in that fire accident. "Tell me what?! Seungri? He died youngbae ah...i kill him...i kill him youngbae ah...seungri died because of me! Why i can't drink? It's hurt youngbae's hurt a lot!" Jiyong cry and laugh in the same time like lost his mind. "Stop drink and you will meet him will say sorry to seungri and ask him to kill you if you wish too! So you won't kill your self slowly like now!! Stupid and hurt your self like this! Let see if he will kill you or hate you forever because you hurt your self like this!! Kwon Jiyong! Did you hear me?!" Youngbae shout to jiyong after slap him harder and push jiyong fell into the couch angrily. "What?! What do you mean?!" Jiyong shout back angrily try to stand up but failed because he is too drunk.Youngbae lost his temper and drag jiyong with him to bathroom,he open the shower and let the water wet both of their bodies.jiyong try to avoid the cold water in shock and try harder to walk out from shower and hard to breath but he lost all his energy and faint in youngbae embrace that quickly catch jiyong before he fell and hit the floor.

Jiyong still couldn't believe after hear youngbae tell him he will meet seungri alive tomorrow even after he stay awake and didn't get drunk anymore.youngbae even didn't tell him how or where he will meet seungri again tomorrow.youngbae just told him not to drunk anymore or jiyong won't be able to meet seungri anymore.jiyong couldn't sleep all night long and try to ask youngbae more but youngbae just ignore him and told him to get rest before he could meet seungri.jiyong stay awake until the morning with spinning head and empty stomatch without eat anything,all he need now just to make sure he will meet seungri again,alive and hug seungri in his embrace just to make sure seungri still alive and not fake.he walk out from his bedroom after take bath and change his cloths with simple one that youngbae give to him in morning when call him for breakfast. "Eat! If you skip it then forget all about meet seungri again!" Youngbae said cold without any expression. "I'm full...not hungry." Jiyong lazily answer while want to leave the kitchen table. "Then drunk your self again until you could go to hell and make seungri hate you forever!" Youngbae said with flat voice and make jiyong sigh and slowly approach his breakfast plate on the table.he eating without feel want to eat at all but youngbae eyes that look like could stab him like sharp knife and threating about seungri make jiyong forced him self to eat the foods.

Meanwhile in hospital Yonghwa and Mr Kwon just arrive to sent seungri back to Mr kwon's house after doctor told them seungri will stay awake after the sleeping medicine ware out from his body system after his last night condition that went into drop condition because of fever. "Yonghwa,you have to make sure sent seungri back to hospital this evening for his monthly medical check up.remember don't let him feel stress or tired ok? I have to attend meeting in japan after we arrive at home." Mr kwon said after make sure seungri sit inside the car while hugging his blanket tightly in his embrace.Mr kwon saw yonghwa nod and quickly went inside the car to drive it back home. "Make sure three of them didn't tell secret about this outside.i don't want anyone ruin our plan and hurt this kid anymore." Mr Kwon warn again after they arrive at home and let the bodyguards piggyback seungri inside after seungri almost fell when walk with his own legs that still feel weak.all of the servants and house maids that take care of seungri nodded in the same time and greet their master.

Jiyong just want to ask more after finally finish foods in his plate but the main door bell ringing and make youngbae went to open it leave jiyong that still confused.Jiyong quickly rush to the living room and leave the kitchen table after hear familiar voices from outside talking with youngbae. "Uncle, Aunty Choi,Seunghyun hyung? All of you come too?" Jiyong ask confuse asking for some explaination from youngbae. He walk to hug Mr and Mrs Choi that welcome him in their embrace warmly.Youngbae sigh after looking at watch on his wrist to check the time.youngbae know he have to explain the condition and deal in really short time before the special meeting time.all of them looking at youngbae asking for answer for all their curiousity that make them confused after youngbae start with a short statement. "seungri now still alive and just three of us allowed to meet him especially Mrs Choi.because they ask for it." All of them almost choking on their breath after hear the statement.youngbae explain to all of them about yonghwa that he meet yesterday in office that they though already died with seungri in the fire accident few months ago.

"So,Uncle and Aunty Choi and seunghyun hyung i know three of you should be meet seungri but they just allowed three of us to meet seungri.Aunty choi in the first list and i know this is sound egoist but i hope jiyong will be in the list too.i really wish to meet seungri too,but i know it will be impossible for us in this i decide to let jiyong instead of me to meet seungri.please understand my decision because we all know jiyong really need to see with his own eyes seungri now still alive so he won't ruin his own life like now because feel guilty in that accident." Youngbae hardly finish his words while try harder not to cry infront all of them.all of them stay in silent. "I won't go,eomma,appa both of you could go with jiyong to meet our Ri." Seunghyun said end the silent but he saw his appa Mr Choi smiling at him. "Silly kid,appa know Ri is your beloved baby brother.go with your eomma and jiyong to meet Ri ok? Tell our Ri,appa really love him and tell him to be strong until the day he will be back to us." Mr Choi said wisely and put his wife hand in his son hand. "Jiyong ah uncle hope you will stop blame your self after meet Ri ok? Ri will be sad if know you life like this." Mr Choi said while pull jiyong that crying and feel touching with Mr Choi wise decision,sacrifice his right for meet his beloved son Seungri.

Youngbae quickly drive them to the appointment meeting place after got message from yonghwa and ask them visit the orphanage as soon as possible so one yonghwa's friend could drive three of those chosen persons went to meet seungri in his secret hidden place.the driver ask three of them that will follow him to meet seungri wear the blindfold after sit inside the car.yonghwa also sent message not try to follow the car or the meeting will get canceled.youngbae try to hold his emotion and explain to Mr Choi and Daesung about the message.three of them just could waiting worriedly in orphanage while watching the other car bring Mrs Choi,Seunghyun and Jiyong to the other place and meet seungri.

Mrs Choi,Seunghyun and Jiyong finally arrive in that house that they never know the address because they got blindfold till they arrive inside the building and saw yonghwa worriedly waiting for them in the huge living room. "I'm really sorry but i really hope no matter what happen after the meeting just please keep it as secret and pretend all of you never meet or even saw seungri that still alive.we need to do this to keep seungri stay save until we could catch the real killer that try to kill seungri before.please do understand,our boss will be feel thankful if we could keep seungri stay safe.and the last one is please understand with seungri condition now.seungri now still try to face his trauma after that accident and he got hurt a lot until...i think all of you will know after meet seungri." Yonghwa stop explain and open the door to the other room.

they saw seungri walking slowly and clumsy while both of his hands look carefully touching around.seungri look facing at them with confused expression and three of them almost choke on their breathe when hear seungri's weak voice asking them. "Who is there? Ahjjuma? Ajjusshi? Yonghwa hyung is that you? Answer me..." seungri ask politely while he walking forward to them and now three of them broke in tears after realize seungri eyes look blank and didn't looking at them or recognize they know seungri is blind and look really sad and broken.Mrs Choi couldn't hold her self anymore and rush to hug her son seungri in her embrace that look panic to push all them away and calling the house maid and yonghwa because he can't see persons around him that hugging him and crying.but then seungri stop panic and hugging back after recognize the crying sound from the old lady that hugging him tightly. "Eomma..." seungri crying sadly and fell weak on his knees because of sadness.

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