Chapter 4 : Don't Be Sad Hyung

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Seungri wake up when he hear someone sobbing inside his room, he just want to ask but then he stop after saw the one who crying is Jiyong his seunghyun hyung friend. "hyung?! Are you ok?" seungri ask carefully but no answer,then seungri realize jiyong was crying in his sleep. "jiyong hyung, don't cry...why you cry?" Seungri whispering softly while put his forefinger between Jiyong's eyes that still closing. "eomma why you never care? It's my birthday eomma,it just a dinner...please...i won't ask anything else." jiyong whimpering in his sleep and make seungri feel sad to hear it. "poor hyung,you are must be really miss your eomma. birthday?! it's mean today is your birthday right?" seungri said slowly while he carefully reach the wallet from jiyong's jacket beside the bed. He saw Jiyong's ID card and sigh when saw the birthday date is last night. Seungri soothing Jiyong until jiyong stop crying in his sleep before he left the room and find his eomma in the kitchen. "eomma, let's bake cake today." seungri ask as soon he found his eomma still washing dishes.

Jiyong wake up when Seunghyun wake him up and told him to take bath and change his cloths. Jiyong feel shock when he went out after change cloths. He saw seungri smiling at him with a small size of strawberry cheese cake on his hands grip. "Happy Birthday Jiyong hyung, i know it was yesterday but at least better late then never right?" seungri said while show Jiyong the cake. Seunghyun put small candle on the cake and light it, "make a wish Jiyong ah." seunghyun said while pat on Jiyong's arm. Jiyong just stay silent then suddenly his tears fell down wet his cheeks. "aigo, Jiyong ah, why you cry kid? Come on don't cry, make a wish and blew the candle." Mrs Choi quickly wipes the tears from Jiyong eyes. "but, i don't know what should i ask for." Jiyong sobbing and quickly wipes away his tears. "kid,you better blew out the candle or our Ri will steal away your cake." Mr Choi tease and make Seungri pout and the other laugh at him. "bad appa,i made this cake with eomma for Jiyong hyung." seungri pout and give sign to jiyong to quickly blew candle on the cake. Jiyong blew the candle and smile widely feel so touching with the surprise.

Jiyong smiling with tears keep wet his cheeks when Seungri put down the cake on the table and drag him to the kitchen. "Drink this hyung, eomma teach me cook it." seungri give small bowl of seaweed soup for jiyong and smiling watching Jiyong drink it all. "is it good? The soup didn't taste weird right?" seungri ask curiously when saw jiyong just stare at the empty bowl in his hands grip. "Ri, stop asking like that ok?" Mr Choi stop his son that look so curious waiting for the answer. Seungri eyes become wide when saw Jiyong tears fell again. "woah!! Jiyong hyung please don't cry. I'm so sorry if that soup taste weird, please don't be sad." seungri quickly soothing crying jiyong in panic but then suddenly Jiyong hug him. Seungri slowly hug back Jiyong and pat tenderly on Jiyong's back. they also got shock with Jiyong reaction. he just crying without said a single word and they let him cry without know how to cheer him up. "is ok, all will be just fine hyung. if you will feel better after cry then just cry it out." seungri slowly whispering while pat on Jiyong's back and give signal to the other to leave them alone.

Jiyong stop crying after he feel tired to cry but he still sobbing when Seungri guide him to sit on the couch. "thank you Ri." Jiyong said look at seungri that nodded and innocently smile at him. "No problem, hyung now could we cut the cake?" seungri ask to the point and make jiyong smile after rolling back his eyes. "Ri! Jiyong i told you before Ri will steal away your cake right?" Mr Choi tease when they went back into the house and hear seungri asking to cut the cake. "appa! I want to eat the cake too." seungri pout and make them laugh at him. "Ri don't eat to much ok?" seunghyun warn seungri when saw their eomma cut the cake and give one slice to each of them. "is ok seunghyun ah, he didn't eat any of snacks today." Mrs Choi said when she served the cake slice for them. Jiyong keep said thank you but all of them just smile at him. seungri watching on jiyong face that look smile happily and eat his birthday cake, he feel glad his late surprise still could make Jiyong smile again. that night they have dinner together and Jiyong got pampering with a lot of delicious foods, Choi family keep served food on his plate and he feel happy when Mrs Choi peeling the fish for him too when she peel the fish for both of her sons. Seungri give jiyong the extra egg rolls when he saw jiyong really like to eat it. Seunghyun also put more BBQ meat for Jiyong. it was the first time for Jiyong eating dinner with warm feeling like that, he couldn't stop smiling and eat without care about his diet anymore.

that night Jiyong stay and sleep on extra bed in seungri's bedroom. Jiyong saw Seunghyun give seungri few pills and glass of water and left after make sure seungri swallow all the pills. jiyong saw seungri start drowsy and fell into sleep. "hyung, good night." seungri said before sleep while jiyong just nodded and stare at the sleeping seungri with mixed feeling. this morning Seungri yell at him just because he almost jump at the cliff to end his life, then after find out seungri is his own friend younger brother jiyong though seungri really annoying with his childish annoying attitude but then he feel warm side from seungri. even that kid angry but he still served food for jiyong and put a warm blanket on him when take a nap today. seungri even give him nice birthday surprise that make Jiyong feel so touching. "thank you so much Ri, i'm feel so happy to meet you. seunghyun hyung are right,you are sweet kid and a happiness angel." jiyong whispering after hear seungri soft snoring.

"wake up jiyong ah, sleepy head did you plan to sleep until dark huh? Hei." seunghyun voice make Jiyong wake up and open his eyes wide and realize the sunrise already really bright from the window. "huh? What time is now? Did i sleep to much?" jiyong rub his eyes and look at seungri's bed already clean and empty. "Ri already go to school, he told me not to disturb you. but eomma said you have to eat lunch after skip your breakfast." seunghyun give towel and clean cloths for jiyong. "hyung is this your cloths?" jiyong ask saw cloths on his lap. "not mine, it was Ri. he told me to let you wear it. he said your shirt is weird." seunghyun laugh when saw jiyong open wide his eyes in shock.

Jiyong take bath and change with seungri's cloths. just a simple white long sleeve T-shirt and training pants with a same colour. Jiyong put his hand inside pants pocket when stand in front of the mirror but then he pulling out a small note from the pocket. "don't be sad hyung, if one thousand sorry could make you smile then let me know,i will said it. as long it will make you happy. Smile,because it make you stronger to fight this life, fighting!" Jiyong read the note and smile. "stupid, you didn't do anything wrong then why i need those one thousand sorry?" jiyong said to him self before went out and join for lunch with aunty choi and seunghyun hyung.

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