Chapter 33 : Help

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Both of Seunghyun and Daesung feel worried and dizzy after watch tape record from building security camera.they realize the fact that few guys already kidnapped seungri from them.Yonghwa quickly check on the tape record after saw all of them feel confused. Yonghwa went out from the room,call his boss Mr Kwon to inform about Ri got kidnap when the other three decide to call police for help them save all they need to do is avoid jiyong know it until he finish his concert. youngbae went back to backstage and lie to jiyong about seungri will go back home because his condition still to weak to stay watching the concert. to make jiyong calm down Daesung sent a message to jiyong with seungri's phone in his bag that they put in backstage.staff try to rush jiyong go on the stage to start the concert after saw Youngbae give sign not to let jiyong stay too long so he won't ask more about Ri to them. Jiyong look dissapointed but he still have to finish his concert first before he could leave and go back home.

Seunghyun and Yonghwa go to police station with the tape record and report to police about the kidnap case. while in the concert hall Youngbae and Daesung try to focus on their job even they really worry about seungri's condition.the concert end well and both of them didn't know how to tell jiyong about seungri. "let's go home, i want to see Ri.i feel something wrong and worry." jiyong said while he walk to their concert van and leave the building. jiyong feel weird why both of his friend become so quiet.but he decide not to ask anything until they arrive at home.Jiyong got shock when he open the door and saw Yonghwa ,seunghyun and two police officer wait in the living room couch. "anyone want tell me what happen? and why there are two police officer here?!" Jiyong ask curiously and he feel something wrong when didn't saw seungri among them. "Jiyong, seungri got kidnap from concert building before your concert start." seunghyun said to the point and make jiyong almost faint hear the bad news. youngbae and Daesung try to calm down jiyong that look stressful to face the fact. all of them rewatch the tape record and the police ask did any of them know three guys that kidnap seungri that night. Jiyong try harder to remember but he really didn't know all the staffs inside the building except backstage staffs.police ask them to calm down and wait for call from the kidnappers.that night nightmare come to all of them even they still awake. Suddenly Jiyong rush upstair to seungri's bedroom and rush back to living room.he panickly check on seungri's bag. "hyung,Ri wear his whistle necklace tonight right?" jiyong ask curiously. "yes he is,Ri never let anyone touch his whistle necklace. Jiyong why suddenly ask about the necklace?" seunghyun and all of them in that place feel weird with jiyong's question. "Sir, we could track where are seungri as long he still around." jiyong said to the police and he hold on seunghyun hyung hand tight. "hyung,i put the diamond chip on whistle before i give it back to Ri.that time i make it so seungri could find it back if he lost it somewhere.we could track it,we will safe Ri from those kidnappers." jiyong answer full of hope and make all of them feel a bit of hope too.

in Mrs Kwon office suddenly a special guest come to visit. "long time no see my dear,i think your rotten heart now could smell from japan dear." Mr Kwon said to his wife that he already left for more than 15 years. "don't you dare call me that! i'm not you that leave for a bitch like that girl and dissapear for few years!" Mrs Kwon shout with hate to her husband. "you still didn't change and learn even after all the mess that you made.Shin Ae why you still so blind and deaf? Yung Mi not bitch like you always said.Yung Mi already married to Lee Hyun Joo our friend. the one who should feel hurt is Yung mi not you Shin Ae! if not because our parent decide for our marriage,she will be my wife and not you! you are the one who steal from Yung Mi and she never steal anything from you all this time!" Mr Kwon yelling back to his wife. "Shut Up! even we got married but you still cheating with her behind me! she even pregnant your son right?!" Mrs Kwon anger explode in few secon. "Crazy, Yung Mi just got pregnant after married to Lee Hyun joo! that baby is son of Hyun joo! i told you before but you never listen! our love is pure and i'm never touch her. you break our love for your ego! Shin Ae,Yung Mi choose to leave after know you will be my wife!!" Mr Kwon shout and hold tight both of his wife arms. "i don't care, all of you just a big liar.too late to regret it now and i will make you feel regret it forever." Mrs Kwon smirk and push her husband away. "so you are the one who sent those kidnapper to kidnap seungri huh?! where did you hide him?!" Mr Kwon shout saw her wife smile with victory. "huh?! just in your dream i will tell you! find your bitch son by your self or should i said maybe you will find your death body bastard son somewhere...hahaha..." Mrs Kwon tease with smirk full of hate and make Mr Kwon slap his wife hard. "take that!! you crazy woman. if something happen to that kid i will make sure you stay in jail until you die!" Mr Kwon leave after he yell and slap his wife with his own hand.

in the other place,Seungri just awake after got knock out. Seungri couldn't see anything even after he awake because got blindfolded.he even couldn't talk or open his mouth that got strap by tape.seungri feel him self laid on the cold surface with both of his hands got tied on his back.he try to move his leg that also got tied tight with rope.Seungri try to making a sound ask for help even his mouth got strap by tape.but suddenly someone yank him to sit and laid his back to face the cold wall, seungri try to struggling but suddenly he got slap several time on both of his cheek until it feel burning.seungri crying behind the strap tape that gag him and struggling harder when suddenly got showered by hot water from upside and feel someone pull off his shoes. seungri crying recieve torture like that without could fight back and hope someone will come to help him from that place.he keep praying to God in his mind so they could stop torture him with hot water. finally it stop and seungri listen carefully step sound leaving him in that place. Seungri start feel cold because now he is all wet and just laid on the cold surface. "eomma,appa, hyung please help me...i'm's cold." seungri crying in his sleep even he couldn't said it out.

the three kidnappers leave seungri in the bathtub inside bathroom in the motel that they just rent. their boss ask them to torture the young man that they just get as victim. they got message to make their victim feel the hot water and let him stay in kidnapper they also feel weird because they not allowed to feed or give drink to their victim. they still got paid full even if their victim die in the middle of tortured session.all they need to do now just wait until the third day before their boss come to take the victim and give all of them the full payment.

in police station Jiyong,seunghyun,and Daesung waiting patiently for result track on seungri's whistle necklace. at first the sign look clear on the screen map but in few minutes it got blur and sometime it dissapear make them got difficult to find the place. but now polices officer already go around the location and search around without make anyone curious. "i think the chip got wet or broken and it make the signal weak to track it.but we will try to find Seungri as soon as possible." police officer said before he sent them back to home and wait for the result. all of them feel too worried to stay calm and decide to search around by them self after they saw the police leave.they though yonghwa stay at home like they told to and didn't know yonghwa already walking around the place where the last signal dissapear. that night no one of them go to sleep but try to search the kidnappers location to find back seungri. Jiyong and Seunghyun feel almost stop breathing when seungri's alarm watch for his medicine time ring in Seunghyun pocket.unconsciously tear wet their cheek because the alarm for seungri already ringing twice but all of them still couldn't find any sign of seungri.

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