Chapter 13 : Concert For You

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Jiyong quickly packing his bag and rush out from recording room after he got call from youngbae. jiyong ignored his manager that calling him remain him about his schedules tomorrow. he already busy more than one month in the recording room and leave seungri at home. Jiyong promised try his best to went home,talk with seungri but in the end he always late. everydays when he arrive at home seungri already fell sleep, even Mrs Choi said is ok to wake seungri up but jiyong never have heart to wake seungri up. he just stare silent at sleeping seungri for few minutes before leave to his own bedroom.

Jiyong smile when saw his watch just point at 6 pm and that is mean he still have time to join dinner together after more than one month busy with his schedules. he smiling when he walk in and saw youngbae helping seungri walk down from upstair to the dinner table. Seungri pout when his eomma help him to sit back on his wheelchair. "eomma,please let me walk." seungri whining after his eomma make him sit back on the wheelchair. "young man, your answer is no." Mrs Choi messing seungri's hair and smile saw her son pout. "Ri,you are not allowed stand in long time." Jiyong said and make three of them smile saw him walk in. "jiyong hyung,you are back? Woah!! Hyung we will have dinner,come here eat with us hyung." Seungri said happily and move his wheelchair to the main door and pull jiyong's hand happily.Jiyong squat and stop seungri from moving his own wheelchair. "Ri? Your hands?" Jiyong look carefully at Seungri's hands palm that look dirty and have few scars on it because he wheel his wheelchair with both of his hands without wear gloves. "hmm?! Oh is ok hyung,it doesnt hurt at all. come on let's eat hyung,eomma cooking a delicious soup and eggrolls for us." seungri quickly pull away his hands away and drag jiyong with him to the dinner table.Jiyong smile when saw seungri look eating happily while sitting on his wheelchair and keep ask jiyong to eat more.Youngbae and Mrs Choi also feel happy saw seungri look so happy eating his dinner together with Jiyong after almost two months never eat together because of Jiyong's schedules. Jiyong secretly saw seungri holding chopsticks and spoon with his hands.Jiyong feel sad after saw seungri got scratch on his hands palm because of wheeling his own wheelchair.

"Hyung,are you tired? Come here, sit on my bed hyung." seungri happily wave his hands after youngbae help him move from the wheelchair to his bed. "Ri,don't sleep late ok? Jiyong you have to make sure he eat his vitamin ok?" Youngbae said before left both of them alone. "Good night Youngbae hyung." seungri wave before Youngbae close the door. "Good night Ri,Jiyong and make sure you sleep earlier too." Youngbae tease and make Jiyong pout at him. "Ri,i'm not tired.i'm sorry if i'm always leave you at home.i have to..." jiyong didn't finish his words because saw seungri giggling at him. "i know that hyung,is ok." seungri smile while pull jiyong's hand and put it in his own hands. both of them talk about their days. Seungri ask alot about Jiyong's activity with all the schedules.they look talk happily but then jiyong end it after saw the clock on the almost ten o'clock and he help seungri laid on bed after eat the vitamin. "we will talk alot tomorrow,now you have to sleep Ri,we don't want get any risk for your body." jiyong pat on seungri chest tenderly after put the blanket on. seungri smile and nodded before close his eyes and fell into sleep.

Seunghyun back from his out town photoshoot schedules this morning,he saw Jiyong already wake up and look checking on the new wheelchair. Mrs Choi look worry when her husband Mr Choi test the wheelchair and nodded as good sign. "new wheelchair? Jiyong you bought new wheelchair for Ri?!" Seunghyun ask curiously. "yes, hyung i buy this for Ri,so he didn't need use his hands to move the wheel. look just need move this stick and push button then the chair could move like he wish to." jiyong explain happily. "it look nice but did Ri know about this wheelchair, Jiyong?" seunghyun ask curiously.all of them shook their head. "appa,you will be late go to office." seunghyun warn after saw his watch. " are right son,i have to go now." Mr Choi kiss his wife forehead before rush outside and leave to his office. "so?!" Seunghyun ask again. "i will tell him by my self." jiyong aswer weakly. "he will be happy Jiyong ah,don't be sad ok?" Mrs Choi pat on jiyong's shoulder before walk to the kitchen to prepare their lunch.

seungri at first refuse to recieve the new automatic wheelchair but he use it in the end after hear the reason why jiyong buy it. "hyung,next time don't waste your money for me ok? I'll be just fine with the old one.thank you so much for this wheelchair.but this one must be really expensive." seungri touching his new wheelchair. Jiyong feel glad seungri didn't refuse his gift.

Jiyong ask seunghyun hyung help him prepare his next concert.he also told his plan to invite seungri to his concert next month but seunghyun get angry and refuse it. "Jiyong! Are you crazy or what?! You want to kill Ri?!" seunghyun scold immediately. "why?! I'm not crazy,hyung...why you said it will kill Ri? It just a concert." jiyong cry hopeless. "Ri never attend any concert before,you know why? Because inside concert hall will be have firework and explode sound.that was dangerous for his weak heart.he could get attack and hard to breathe!" seunghyun explain sadly. "you will kill him jiyong ah...just don't invite him." seunhyun said sadly. "if that is the problem then i will find the way out.Ri will attend my concert next month hyung,and i promised you Ri won't get any attack or trouble.i will let him feel sit inside concert hall with me." jiyong said before left and make seunghyun really worry. "that was my surprise for Ri,hyung don't tell to Ri ok?" Jiyong smile and leave to stage to check the sound effect.

Seunghyun told about Jiyong's plan to invite Ri to his concert next month to his parents.both of them also worry about Seungri condition because in the past,Ri also fainted at school when the school firework festival.the exploid sound make seungri got breathless attack and fainted in the middle of the crowds.Seunghyun also said Jiyong's plan to avoid the same effect even he will change the concert style.

the one month preparation already done and today is the concert day.Ri didn't know anything about invitation to Jiyong's concert. but this morning his Seunghyun hyung and Youngbae hyung bring him to shopping and also go to saloon for facial and cut his hair. "hyung,why i have to wear new shirt? Did we will go to party?" seungri ask when they choosing new cloths for him. "hmm yes,you will attend party with us." Youngbae answer after saw seunghyun hardly to answer because he didn't want to lie to his dongsaeng. "woah! But everything in this store is so expensive hyung." seungri whisper and make both of his hyung laugh at him. "don't worry,Jiyong paid it for you Ri." youngbae show Jiyong's card to them.Seungri have a tall and slim body and it make him look good with each cloths that they choose for the end they chose white beige Long shirt and cream long pants.Youngbae also put a white long warm scraft around seungri's neck.Seunghyun help seungri wear white cap and lossen sweater to match his white beige long shirt.both of them smile widely because seungri look really handsome after wear all of it.they even make seungri wear simple glasses that make him look smart.they laugh after take picture with youngbae phone and secretly sent it to Jiyong.

"hyung,where are we going to? I'm hungry,eomma must be waiting for all of us to eat lunch." seungri whining because both of them still stay around the mall to choose another cloths for seungri.Seungri didn't know Jiyong told both of them to buy more cloths for seungri after recieve the picture that they just sent for jiyong. "eomma said you are allowed to eat lunch outside with us today Ri." seunghyun smile,he know seungri already hungry because it already lunch time.three of them go to restaurant to eat their lunch.they choose menu that seungri allowed to eat.

Youngbae give a sign to seunghyun after saw seungri sleeping on the back sit.they drive the car to the concert hall and put the blindfold on seungri's eyes before he wake up. "hyung?!hmm what is this?" seungri try to remove the blindfold. "Ri,don't open it ok? We will give you a surprise.just don't open it ok?" Youngbae calming down Ri and holding on his hands before move him to sit on his wheelchair.Seungri nod and try to listen sound around him.he didn't know they already arrive inside the concert hall.seungri blink his eyes after they remove the blindfold,he got surprise when find out he sitting on the front sit near the concert stage.he look at his seunghyun hyung that sit beside him and youngbae in other side sit. "welcome to my concert Ri." Jiyong voice make seungri pop out his eyes when realize Jiyong standing on the stage with his stage costume smiling at him. "jiyong hyung?!" seungri ask curiously. "yup,welcome Ri,i'm waiting for you to start my concert." jiyong smile widely while walk down from the stage to the front chair and waving his hands to seungri that still look shock.

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