Chapter Fifty: Brandon

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"Um.. Harry. I think I wanna stay with Brandon."

As the words tumbled out of her mouth I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" He seemed broken, I'm calling bull.

"She said she's staying with me, SugarDaddy."

"Wipe that smirk off your face, Faggot!"

"I'm not the one in skinnyjeans."

"Oh, you wanna talk about clothes?" Harry started to take off his shirt," Well, let's do it with fists."

"Hold up," Ali stepped between us and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Get. Your. Arms. Off. Her." Harry's voice tried to be menacing but I had her and he was at the weaker end.

"I think I will keep her right here for now."

"Ali, please come back with me," he was begging.

"Harry, I need some time to be a normal girl again. I love you and all but I need to become less famous and more.. well, me."

Her voice as she said I love you told me she was telling the truth. Oh well. She wanted to stay. 

"Well, Princess, you know where to find me."

He gave her a tug and pulled her to him. He gently kissed her forhead and pulled her to his chest to stare at me in eyes," Take care of her... Please."

"Okay, SugarDaddy."

Ali came beside me and stared for few seconds," Know a place for me to stay?" Her eyes started to fill up and I grabbed her hand.

"Let's go, this party's boring anyway." 

We were walking out the door and Devin strolled up. Obviously drunk. 

"Alllliiii," he slurred, " Where's Arin. I thought she might be here so we can...catch up,"? he raised his brows suggestively.

"The only catching up you need to be doing is in school," Ali said back still trying to fight back tears.

"Oh Ali, all outta come backs. Well, you could come to that back room with me. We could catch up."

"In your dreams LoverBoi." I then said to the jackass who thinks he can get away with every-damn-thing.

"I think that's her choice," Devin said getting angry.

"Yeah? Well, now this is mine," I punched him and got Ali to the car.

We drove back to my place. My parents were in Panama for the weekend and I thought it'd be okay. Her grandma and family had moved to Chattanooga awhile ago so I just decided to let her crash.

"Thanks Brandee."

"Brandee? I thought we were past that."

"I don't think I ever will be."

"Does it make me more special to you?"

"You could say that,"  she gently bit her lip and giggled.

"Then, I guess I am just fine with it," I gave her some clothes to sleep in and let her get a shower. I got ready for bed and met her in the guest room. 

"Good Night, Ali," I gave her a hug.

"Good night to you too, Brandee,"I kissed her forehead and left the room before she could reply.

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