Chapter Twenty-Five: Arin

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It's like 3 in the morning and we are staying at The Boy's house. I want to go to Mcdonalds real quick for a shake. I love my chocolate. My baby is taking me to Mcdonalds I have to run in by myself but I still get a shake and a kiss.

We get outside and in the helicopter. About ten minutes later I was in the nearest Mcdonalds ordering a large chocolate milkshake no whipped cream. Then I hear,"That's the girl in the tabloids, How could she?"

I turned around,"What?"

"You broke up Louis and Eleanor."

"What? Who told you that?"

"Seventeen Magazine, don't act innocent."

"I'm not saying anything. Where's the magazine?"

"Everywhere." "I looked around and sure enough it was in the tray next to me.

"Oh God!!" I grabbed my shake grabbed a magazine and threw down a twenty and ran to the copter.

I got up to Louis and I jumped into his arms and nearly started crying,"There's a problem."

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