Chapter Forty-Eight: Ali

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"Hey, Babe! What's the plan for today?"

"I have a meet and greet. Wanna come?"

" Of course!!"

"Hey, this guy that we're meeting comes from your area.. Brandon Noland? Do you know him?"

I flipped out," Yeah I do!! I used to stalk him!!"

"What?!?!!" He seemed a little confused.

"We lived in the same neighborhood. It was me and a few friends who stalked him," I smiled a goofy smile.

"Oh, I see I see..." He turned away.

"Yeah, Arin once tried to convince me to believe he liked me."

"It says he's gay."

"WHAT?!" No way, not Brandeeeeee!!!!

" Well, you still coming?"

"Of course." He kissed me lightly and we set off.

When we got there I couldn't believe what I saw. Brandon in his usual Blue shirt, Khaki cargo shorts and woafers. He even had on his glasses that make him look like the sexy Clark Kent.

"Ali?!" Brandon smiled a perfectly straight white smile. Same old Brandon.

"Hey, Brandee." He flinched.

"Really, still haven't let that go?"

"Nope," I laughed.

"I knew you were dating Mr. Styles over here, just didn't know you were going to be here."

"Well, once I heard you were coming I couldn't pass it up."

Harry seemed stoic and stepped over," I'm Harry."

"Hey, I'm Brandon."

"Noticed... So I hear you are rooting for the rainbow."

"Actually, I don't. Where'd you hear that?"

"Your application."

"Actually, this girl right here is the only reason I came,' he pointed towards me. Oh god!!! 

"Um, what?" Harry seemed to stiffen.

"Yeah, I've liked Ali for awhile. I was just too scared because I've known her since like 2006 or 2007."

"Um, I'll be over there," Ali said about to walk away.

"Wait, Ali. Would you mind going and catching up about your latest stalking assignments?"

"I have things to do but if Harry doesn't mind.." I looked to him for confirmation.

"Go ahead. I trust you."

He leaned and whispered something to Brandon. They shook hands and Harry left.

We went to Starbucks. My all time favorite. 


"So, you're just now saying this about your feelings?"

"Maybe... Maybe I thought it'd be better if I said it to you a little later but.. Since it worked out," he laughed and smiled.

"Yeah. Harry can be a little possessive but it's all good."

"Well, how have things been?"

"Really good and you?"

"Beautiful,' sarcasim was obvious in my answer.

"Well you should come with me to this party. Unless you have a curfew?"

"I'll come. Who's party?"

"Someone from Soddy.. I don't know."

"Yeah sure. When?"

"Now," he grabbed my hand and drug me to his car.

We showed up at a house I remember from Arin I just don't remember who.

"Who's house is this?"

"Well, according to some friends, Some wanna be big shot."

I could only think of one guy like that, that Arin has dated. Devin Hopkins. 

"Let's go," he started up the hill. She's going to kill me.

We were partying and I had like one glass of Beer.

Brandon had like a half and we didn't want anymore.

"So, how you like being Harry Styles's girl?"

"It definatily has it's perks."

He laughed, "So my mom got new lawn gnomes."

"Yeah. That was all Haley's fault."

"Yeah, do y'all talk much anymore?"

"Not really.' 

"Oh, okay," We were running out of subjects and we both started laughing. He looked at me and leaned in. His lips had barely touched mine when I felt a hand grab mine.

"Come on. Can we not go through this again?"


"Yep, princess," he turned to Brandee who sat suprised," Sorry to interupt prince- not- so- charming but that's my girl."

I realized then that I was being honest. Being Harry Styles's girlfriend had some perks but not a lot. 

"Um.. Harry. I wanna stay with Brandon."

Last First Kiss (One Direction Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz