Chapter Four:Ali

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles and Liam Payne

I'm 15 and single. I love 1D, 5SOS,E3, and Union J. I am in love with Liam... or is it Harry... maybe Niall, I don't know. I am very confused about it all. I mean their smiles, eyes, bodies(especially Liam's!) and personalities make it hard to choose. I already know that Arin claimed Louis(it sounds like witchcraft which with Arin and Her Louis you never know) and Zayn's engaged so ..Yeah. We are on our way to the arena. It starts at eight so we headed out around 11 so we could make stops if needed.

"So how is 'Dancing Hyena' ?" Arin asked.

"Well, he was in denial but I don't like the kid anymore."

"You mean deNIALL?" Oh our puns.....

We saw the arena and flipped out,"WE ARE ALMOST THERE!" Arin and I shouted together. Nana, our driver(Ali's grandmother), pulled into the parking garage. I started getting more and more excited by the minute. I grabbed Arin's face,"Oh.My.God. WE'RE HERE!"

Arin laughed at my usual but random outburst,"I know but don't act like a raged fan, even though you are!"

"I won't."

"Okay Miss 300 and something poster girl!" Oh now she brings it up!

We started toward the arena. It is huge! Nana starts to fan herself,"It's getting hot out here.' Arin and I know exactly what to do,"SO TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES!" We sing together. Nana looks at us with a weird look. Oh this is going to be fun! Then, we see a huge directioner wearing nothing but One Direction names,faces, and face paints,"Oh look at the Koolcat,"I say worried already.

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