Chapter Six:Louis *a Few Hours before concert*

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"Eleanor, I think we need to talk,"Louis practiced into the mirror,"We can't do this anymore. The me and you thing. It's not going to work out and it's definitely you not me." Louis assured his reflection. It was perfect now it was time to do the real thing.

Louis called El on FaceTime.


"Hey, Eleanor,"He tried to let his voice lead her into the conversation,but her smile made Lou worried it was going to be harder.

"How's America and Nashville?"

"Good. Look Eleanor there's a reason I called you and it's not so we can sit and drink tea and eat little sandwiches together," I sighed.

"Well, what is it Louie Bear?"

"Eleanor we need to talk."

"Okay, baby. What about?"

"The us thing El. I don't think we're going to work out."

Her lip stuck out and I got worried about what she was going to say,"Why?" Those were her only words.

"Well El, It's you sweetheart, and definitely not me."

"What?! Are you insane?! It's said 'it's not you it's me' you idiot!"

"See and this is why..You're too intelligent to date a charming lad like me!" I smiled into the camera proud of how I was handling things,"I know this is hard on you but you can date someone like Justin Bieber or a common guy for a change."

This infuriated her,"I am going to ruin you!"

"Oh not with how this is making you look!"


"Bye my love,"I left her cold and broken just like Jack Dawson in the Titanic and Rose still loved him. So, maybe it'll work.

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