Chapter Nine:Ali *Present*

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We found our seats. Sadly we were sat next to a lady in a carrot costume. I looked at Arin,"And you thought I was crazed!?"

"I guess my law skills didn't come through and I forgot the 'innocent until proven guilty' part?"

"Ya think?"

The lights dimmed and we heard screams all around. We looked up and there they were. Standing side by side on stage, heads down and dramatically still. Music starts pumping through speakers vibrating us in the front row. They all jumped and ran around. Harry starts,

"Maybe it's the way she walked. Straight into my heart and stole it. Through the doors and passed the guards. Just like she already owned it."

Arin and I sang along cause we knew every line(another pun.). Zayn picked up sexily,

"I said can you give it back to me? She said never in your wildest dreams."

They all started jumping up and down,

"And we danced all night to the best song ever. We knew every line, now, I can't remember. How it goes but I know that I won't forget her cause we danced all night to the best song ever. I think it went OH OH OH. I think it went YA YA YA. I think it went ohhhhhhhh~"

The song kept going until Louis stepped up.....

Last First Kiss (One Direction Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora