Chapter Twenty-Two: Ali

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He tried to kiss me! Harry Styles I was so excited ready to meet his soft lips and then... Liam!!!

BAM!!! Just like that ruined plan!

It's okay. I get a tour with Harry. He took me to the media room which consisted of Couches holding Shelby and Niall snuggling as they slept and Titanic on the screen and Louis and Arin making out as Rose and Jack had sex in the back of automobile.

I don't understand the end of Titanic Jack becomes a cute little popsicle. So wrong.

Liam walked in and moved Arin and Louis closer while he sat down and grabbed the remote. "Well nothing in here as you can see," Harry said as we walked to the 'Rehearsal Chambers'. I just had a feeling that this chamber was downstairs with lots of chains... What the heck? I need to stop listening  to Arin and her never ending perverted talk. We actually walked into a room with a lot of sound equipment and a couch. I sat down and Harry turned on the equipment,"You wanna hear something?"


"What's a song that you like?"

"Gotta Be You."

"Okay."Harry picks up a guitar and starts to strum.

I  couldn't help but sing along and Harry kept strumming but came and got me and we sang together. I don't think I am a good singer but I am, or Arin says I am.

The song ended and I looked at Harry. "Wow."

"Yeah wow."

"I always sing every word to that song."

"And I meant every word,"he looked more intently at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's Gotta Be You Ali,' with that he leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked but soon fell into the kiss. I am so confused but my thoughts were already too incoherent for a sane person to understand so I just reacted and for once stopped thinking.

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