Chapter Eleven: Ali

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The concert was great! All the singing and dancing, but sadly Harry didn't get pantsed again(:C) Arin and I were walking out the door and we got trampled by all the tired and screaming parents ready to get out of a place filled with what they called "teeny-bopper" music and , also, what they said were five gay guys!!! They are so dumb I mean Zayn is engaged!!

We got halfway to the car and Arin's phone lit up. I think she'll notice in a minute....*in the car* Maybe she's just waiting to get to the hotel. We get to the hotel and to our room. Surely enough she checks her phone and there it is..

"OMG..OMG...OMG! ALI! GET IN HERE! BIG NEWS-NO IT'S HUGE!" Arin scremed so loud I swear it was a crime.

"What?" I came out of the bathroom from getting ready for bed.

"He- It- Me-Ah-EEEEE!!!"

"You know you're making like no sense at all... right?"



"He said and I quote,' Hey. It's me.'"

"Really, Arin? How do you know it's him?"

"It's a U.K. number...I'm not stupid!!!"

"I just died again... TEXT HIM BACK!!" I yelled at Arin like she was stupid for not tapping her fingers across the screen at two miles per second telling him her ' oh so interesting' life story.

"Okay ..but will I seem desperate?"

"It's a guy..from the U.K... Who's famous and you're WORRIED ABOUT SOUNDING DESPERATE?!?! YOU ARE DESPERATE AT THIS POINT!!!"

Arin sent back a reply as I watched over her shoulder. It said,"Hey and it's me.Lol.:)"

"Really, Arin. you really just said the same thing he said.. Now you sound like a fumbling ninny!"

"Hey..Hey now this is mine any of the others are yours to have and hold for the rest of your days,"Arin broke out in song,"Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it se-" I cut her off,"No Just...No."

They stayed up all night texting...Now I wish that I would've told her to throw her phone out the dang hotel window..No sleep for me!!!

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