Chapter Eighteen: Louis

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We were all rehearsing and while harmonizing on Last First Kiss, we were nearing the end and Niall snogged Shelby. I looked over at Arin and wondered if I should snog her too. She looked back at me and I then leaned over and snogged her. Everyone suddenly stopped singing.

I asked, "What?"

"That wasn't much of a snog, Lou?" Harry said.

After that comment, I leaned over towards Arin again and pecked her on the lips. "Well, it was a good enough snog for me." I looked at Arin. She was smiling at the ground blushing.

Arin's phoned beeped. She checked it. "Hey, Louis. Do you think it's okay if Ali comes over? She just texted me saying she was out of the theater."

"Yeah. Harry, Will you go get her?"

"Sure," Harry said.

"Harry, Can you keep calm and keep your clothes on?" I asked.

"Yes.... Maybe... Depends?"

"Depends on what?"

"How hot this Ali girl is.."

"She's not like that..., " Arin stated.

"Well, okay. Should I take the copter?" Harry asked.


(I know it's a bit short, but hope you still like it. Comment and vote if you would like. (: Deuces Gooses. -Ali_Arin. )

Last First Kiss (One Direction Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz