ch. 23 something feels wrong

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I sit on the couch as Mark, Sam and mom enter the main room, "Where were you?" My dad asks sweetly, like nothing happened. 

I am really pissed at my dad, 'he is so annoying!'. I watch the TV and ignore everyone around me. I don't feel like talking right now, at all. I just hope everyone goes their way, not minding me. 

"We were talking to some people" Mark answers. Dad groans, "Next time, get here right away" He says blankly. "there is no next time" I whisper to myself. 

I stand up and walk to my bed, shutting the bedroom door behind me. Luckily, Johnny is never such a bedroom freak as I am, so I can be alone for a moment. 

The door opens, 'at least, that's what I thought'. I think to myself. I look up to see my dad entering the room. He sits down on Johnny's bed. 'great, just great!'. 

Dad clears his throat, "(Y/N), baby, come on, don't be mad at me." Dad begs. I look up at him ,annoyed. "I hope you understand why I am so concerned about you, and why I don't want Mark to get to close with you" Dad says soft. 

I cross my arms, "Well, I actually don't." I snap at him. Dad sighs and settles down next to me, "Of course you do" He says with a slight chuckle. 

I look down, "Dad, I'm not five anymore. I'm old enough to know what I'm doing, and Mark is still like a brother to me" I explain. 

I hear dad clearing his throat, "You have to face reality, (Y/N). Mark isn't your brother" Dad says, not wanting to hurt me. I sigh, "yeah, I know! But he is like a brother to me through all these years he has lived with us!" explain. 

Dad nods, "And I totally understand, gorgeous" He says, "But I just can't look at it. Another boy touching, or even being close to my only, beautiful daughter." Dad explains. 

I straighten my back and let my arms hang, "oh, so when Sam and Johnny tickle me, it's fine by you, but when Mark is on top of me, tickling me, then he's about to get killed by my overprotective father" I say. 

Dad chuckles, "That's one way to look at it, yeah" He says. I sigh, "It's not funny, dad, you know I hate it when you act like the overprotective daddy that kills every boy who's near me" I say. 

I feel dad's hand run up and down on my back, but pull back quickly. He lifts my head up by putting his index finger and thumb under my chin, to make me look at him. 

He stares in my eyes, looking back and forth, from my right eye, to my left eye, and back the whole time, "(Y/N), look me in my eyes, and say, without lying, that you don't have anything with Mark" My dad whispers. 

I swallow nervous, "I don't have anything with Mark" I say. I know this isn't gonna help, my dad can always see if I'm lying yes or no. 

Because I swallowed, he now probably knows I was lying. Dad lets go of my chin and stands up. I see rage building up in his eyes, "When!?" He says angry. 

"Never!" I answer, feeling tears  build up in my eyes. Dad walks back and forth in the room with his hands together on his back, looking at the ground. 

He mumbles some things under his breath before finally standing still in front of me, "I can't believe you are actually lying! How dare you!" He says loudly. 

My mom walks in with Sam, Johnny and Mark behind her. "What is happening here! (D/N), calm down!" She says. 

I look at dad with a look, meaning, 'you better keep quiet'. Dad turns around to look at mom, "(Y/N) and Mark had fucking sex" Dad yells through the hotel room. 

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