ch. 6 getting to know you

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After the whole day sitting in my bed, and sitting at my desk behind my computer screen. "(Y/N)!! diners ready!!!" I hear my mom scream from downstairs. 

"Okayy"  I say, trying not to sound annoyed. I get a little nervous, this is going to be the first time I'm gonna actually look at talk with my new brother. 

I arrive downstairs and settle down at the table where everyone already is waiting for me. "There she finally is, the queen of the bedroom!" My dad says. 

Accidentally, me, Sam and the new boy chuckle. "Queen of the bedroom, dad...seriously?" I ask still chuckling a little. 

I sit between my new brother and Sam, I feel really small. From the corner of my eye, I see black, short hair and glasses. I turn my head to his muscular body, and stick out my hand.

"I'm sorry, I haven't really introduced myself" I say shy, looking at his dreamy, brown eyes. He takes my hand and smiles at me, "That's okay, I'm Mark, nice to meet you" He says. 

I nod slightly and get some food in my plate. "nice of you to still introduce yourself" My mom says before taking a bite. 

Then, Johnny starts asking his childish questions, "Mark, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Johnny asks. I look at Mark while he chuckles, "I don't know yet, what about you?" Mark asks. 

Johnny's face lights up,  "I want to be a police officer!! And shoot people!" And with that, Johnny makes  a pistol with his hands and 'shoots' me. I roll my eyes. 

"What about you?" Mark suddenly asks me. I smile a little, "I want to be a YouTuber!!" After I said that, I hear my dad click his tongue and sigh loudly. "What!" I say,immediately annoyed. 

My dad shakes his head slightly,"nothing".  "anyway, how old are you Mark?" I ask Mark. Mark swallows his food before answering, "I'm sixteen" Mark says, "And what about you?". 

"I'm fifteen" I answer.  Mark nods his head and returns his attention to his meal. Suddenly, I feel a slight poke in my other side, I turn my head to Sam. 

Sam smirks at me, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I lift my eyebrows a little, roll my eyes and poke him back with my elbow. 

My mom and dad involve Mark in a conversation. This is my opportunity to text my friend. 

me: Ready for a new brother update?

(F/N): yes, baby!! Tell me EVERYTHING!!!

me: His name is Mark, 16 years old, short black hair, glasses and quite muscular. 

(F/N): OMG YAASSS!! He sounds

me: SHUT UP!! You're right though, he's quite cute indeed. And he's next to me rn, so I'm taking this risk to send this message. 

me: He actually looks a bit asian

(F/N): Oh, okay

(F/N): so when can i come over?

me: XD what about next week

(F/N): Y not tomorrow?  wanna keep him for yourself?

me: shut up...

(F/N): I'm right though XD

me: I just wanna know him a bit better yah know

(F/N): yeah, you wanna know him better...and how he is in bed, that kinda stuff

My new brother (Markiplierxreader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя