Ch. 1 to the movies

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"Give it back, you stupid ass hole!!!" I scream at my younger brother, Johnny. I'm so glad that summer holiday just started, because Johnny is such an annoying little brother and I can't handle schoolstress right now.

My mom looks angry at me "(Y/N), watch your language!" My dad says. "But, he stole my phone!!" I whine. "Johnny, give her phone back!" My dad commands. "Why, do you have secret things on your phone?" My older brother, Sam, teases me.

I roll my eyes, "you guys don't need to know what's on my phone, and you wouldn't like it if I stole your phone!" I state. Johnny finally gives my phone back. "Thanks" I sigh annoyed. Johnny may be 13 years old, but he acts like a five year old.

And since Sam is my older brother, me and him are a little more 'positive'  to each other.  He just turned eighteen, and just got his drivers license. That's why I try to be 'on his side', so he can bring me to places from time to time. (so smart am I right? XD)

"Anyways, who is ready to go to the movies!!!" My mom yells through the room. My brothers and me cheer, "Yaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!!" We scream as we hug our parents. "Quickly, eat your breakfast and then we're ready to go!" My dad says. 

While I take a big bite out of my pancakes, I look at my parents, "Why are we actually going?" I ask .  My mom and dad look at each other with a blank expression. Then my mom starts to blush slightly, "We haven't done it in a while, we thought it would be fun!" She smiles akward at me. 

I chuckle back, "Okay" I say. 'She acts like she has to tell us something, but one of them will tell us at the end of the day...right?'. 

We walk outside and step in the car. My dad turns up the radio while he drives us to the movies. We all sing to the music and laugh when we make weird faces at each other. 

small time skip. 

We arrive at the cinema and pick a comedy movie. My parents let my brothers and me choose the biggest popcorn, wich we normally are not allowed to pick. 

time skip after the movie XD

We walk towards the car and drive away, but in a different direction. "Aren't we driving the wrong way?" Sam asks. "No, we're gonna get some McDonalds!!!" My mom cheers from the passenger seat. 

We cheer again. Then, Johnny starts getting bored in the car, and I'm in the middle, so he has to tease me again. He pokes me in my side once. "Can you stop...?" I ask him annoyed, as soft as possible,  not wanting to ruin the mood. 

After half a minute, Johnny pokes me again  a few times. "Stop, please!!" I ask him again, but he pokes me again, and again. I slap his hand away, "STOP IT!!!" I yell, "(Y/N), don't scream, I'm driving!!" My dad says annoyed from behind the wheel. 

I sigh and decide not to get in this conversation, although I didn't start. I look at Johnny one more time with a dangerous grin. He pokes me again, "Come on!" I growl at him. "Johnny, stop it now. Or you won't get ice cream!" My mom says. 

Then, I grin to myself, getting an elbow slightly pressed in my side. 

After a few minutes, we arrive at the fast food restaurant and get our food. My parents let me even have two desserts! 'there has to be something going on here!' I think to myself as we walk towards our car again. 

time skip to home. 

We walk back inside, and I let myself crash on the couch. "Guys," I hear my dad say from the kitchen table. "Yeah...?" Me and my brothers ask. "Please come here" My dad says again. 

I stand up, walk towards the table and sit down in-between my brothers, with my parents on the other side of the table. 

My dad takes my mom her hand in his, and looks at her for a second as he smiles unsure. I scan their faces as they look at me and my brothers. "well....," Johnny says impatient. 

"Your mom and I want to talk about something." My dad starts. "Are you guys happy with this family we have?" My mom asks. 

I chuckle, "No, Johnny is annoying as fuck" I laugh. Johnny laughs back and pokes me in my side with his elbow. 

My parents chuckle nervous, "No, but seriously....." My dad says. 

Sorry for the short chapter, but this is just like an introduction. Sooo, hope you guys will like the story, buh-byeeee XD

My new brother (Markiplierxreader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя