ch 16. don't go

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a few years later....

Mark POV

I go to the adoption centre where my parents got me from. I step out of the taxi with only my phone in my pocket.

I take a deep breath as the taxi drives away. I look up at the building, remembering where my bedroom used to be.

I walk to the door and enter the familiar building. The lady behind the desk knows me too, "Hi, Mark" She says in that sweet tone again. I wave at her, "hey".

She stops typing and she looks at me, "Can I help you with something?" She asks. I nod and walk up to her. "I want to know who my real mom is" I explain.

(idk how this goes okay XD) The lady looks at me and nods before looking at her computer. "I think I still have your documents." She says while typing something.

"Why do you have my documents after such a long time?" I ask, "Have a crush on me or something?" I chuckle at her.

She looks at me, "Actually....yes" She stands up and walks around het desk towards me. She walks closer and closer, grabbing my shoulders and wanting to push her lips onto mine.

I push her away, "woah, woah, woahh " I say, chuckling nervous, "Don't do that" I say. The lady buries her head in her hands and starts to cry, "I'm sorry" She says while sitting on the ground.

She runs away, "But-" I want to talk to her, but she's already gone. I decide to do it myself. I walk around the desk and sit behind the computer.

I type in my real name, : Mark Edward Fishbach.

I click on search and see no results. I click on *deleted documents* and see documents of some kids. I see my name and I click on it.

I see more pictures of myself, 'fucking creep' I think to myself as I scroll through the pictures, she obviously took of me. I see my birthdate, mother's name.

I see a phone number under it, and an address...Cincinnati. 'That is fucking far away from here' I think to myself as I take my phone out of my pocket.

I put a new contact in it with the number, naming it, possible real mom. I stand up again, and walk out like nothing happened. I look around one more time, whispering, "bye".

I turn around and leave outside, to get a taxi and drive back home. While I'm in the taxi, I'm thinking of what to do. I have big plans for my life. I'm going to be an engineer while I start with a YouTube channel just for fun.

(Y/N) is going to help me with that, we are going to help each other with our YouTube channels and become famous YouTube gamers!!!

The taxi driver snaps me out of my thoughts, "We're here, mister " He says. I pay him and step out. I walk over to the front door and enter the house.

"Hi, sweetie" Mom greets me "hey" I give her a hug. "Where's (Y/N)?" I ask her. Her smile fades and goes from happy to sad, "She is upstairs, but I think you can better leave her alone for a little while" mom explains.


I hug my pillow tighter and tighter as I dry my red-bloodshot eyes with it. 'why, Mark! why' I scream in my head while I sob in my pillow very loudly.

'Don't leave me, Mark! You can't do this to me' I beg him in my head while burying my face in the pillow even deeper if that's possible.

I cry softly as I lay on my side, facing the wall. I hear nothing but my crying self. On one side, I understand why Mark wants to go, but on the other side, I can't understand why he wants to leave.

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