ch. 8 goodnight little sis

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"So, where do I hide it?" I ask my friend. She simply chuckles, "I don't know, this is your room! you must have a secret hiding place right?" My friend asks.

I groan, "I never hide things for my parents" I cross my arms, looking sassy. She lays her hands on her heart, acting like she's hurt and someone put a knife through her hart.

I laugh at her weird, bad acting skills. "oh my god, stop it" I say as I wipe a tear away from the corner of my eye. My friend laughs with me and stands up straight again, walking over to me.

She grabs the package and scans my room for a good hiding place. She spots my little night stand and walks up to it, "here?" She says while opening the small drawer. "sure" I sigh.

" now, let's just chill, okay?" She asks. I nod, " wait here, I'll just get something to drink and a snack or something " I say. "Do you have chocolate? It's that time of the month again for me" My friend says full of self-confidence.

I chuckle, "Don't worry, satan will me gone when I give you the cure named chocolate" I say before leaving my bedroom. I close the door behind me and tiptoe off the stairs.

"Hi mom, can I get some snacks and some to drink?" I ask my mom while searching for some food. "sure, honey" I hear her answer. I smile to myself and grab a bowl of dorritos and two glasses of coca-cola.

Before I can walk out of the kitchen to my room again, my mom calls me again, "Oh honey, before I forget, Tonight we're going to that barbecue with Johnny so you, Sam and Mark will be alone from eight to late" She explains.

I chuckle at her rime, "sure thing, mom! We'll be fine!!" I say before walking to the basement where we keep more food. I see some chocolate bars and I grab four of them, since I would like some myself.

When I have everything, I run upstairs with a bowl of dorritos, popcorn (yeah, you picked that up too) and four chocolate bars. I gently push the door open with my foot and I walk up to my friend.

I sit on the bed next to her, place down the drinks on my nightstand and grab my phone. Me and my friend have some fun with the new snap chat filters, when I receive a text from Sam.

Sam: Hey, little sis!❤️

me: hey, what's up?💕

Sam: You're gonna be alone with Mark tonight😏

me: What d u mean😕

Sam: Mom, dad and Johnny are going to that bbq, right?

me: yeah😐

Sam: I'm going out with my girlfriend😉

me: r u for real rn😡

Sam: Thank me later, byeee, I'm getting ready now, you should come downstairs and netflix and chill with Mark or something😝😏

me: Shut up🙄

me: Have fun with your gf😉😏

Sam: I sure will sissy😏💦❤️

me: bye👋🏼

I lay my phone down and look at my friend. She looks back at me, "W-what?" She chuckles. I sigh " I'm gonna be alone with Mark in this house tonight" I tell her.

(F/N)'s face immediately lights up, "someone's gonna get laid!!" (idk how to write that, but you know what I mean XD)

I push her shoulder "Oh, stop it" I say.

time skip

After two hours of laughing, chilling and eating, my friend says it's time to head home. "Thanks for everything" She says before turning around and walking out the doorframe.

I wave at her, "buh-byeeee!!" I yell at her. "bye, daddy" She screams from somewhere in the street. I chuckle loudly and close the door.

Mark is sitting on the couch, watching a movie. I crash down next to him, "what are you watching?" I ask. "A movie" He simply answers, still fully concentrated on the TV screen.

I chuckle, "No shit!!" I say. Mark chuckles and grabs the TV remote, showing me the title of the movie. "cool, I love horror movies!" I say exited, getting in a more comfortable position on the couch.

Mark smiles, but doesn't turn his head, "that's so cool! Have you seen this one already?" He asks. I shake my head in response, "nope, but I already like it!" I say happy.

The movie is already halfway done, but I don't care. I rest my feet on the table with my legs crossed. I pick my phone out of my pocket to see I've got a text from my friend.

(F/N): so you're alone with the fuckboy rn?😝😝

Me; bitch, please🙄🖕🏼

(F/N): we both know you want him😚😏

me: just, shut up about it already, pretty please🙏🏼

(F/N): Do you think the cigarettes are safe though?🙏🏼😳

me: Don't worry, I'll care for them like they are my baby's😉

I wait for a response, but before my friend can text me back, I close my phone to stop Mark from looking at it.

"You have cigarettes?" Mark asks. "Why do you read my texts!?" I spit at him. He chuckles, "don't worry, I won't tell our parents. But only if you give me one" He says smirking at me.

I stand up and look angry at him, "They are MY parents!! NOT yours!! And the cigarettes aren't even mine!!!" I yell before running to my room.

'oh my god, why would he look at my screen like that! fucking creep' I think after slamming my bedroom door and crashing on my bed.

I eat some chocolate left-overs on my bed until Mark walks up to my room. He knocks on my bedroom door and opens it before I say anything.

He takes a few steps in my bedroom, "come in" I spit at him. "Come on, (Y/N), give me one of those cigarettes" Mark pleads me. " I won't tell YOUR parents" He says.

I sigh and turn around to my nightstand, pulling out the drawer. I lift up some papers and grab the package of cigarettes. I open the small box and hand Mark one.

"Can we smoke together?" Mark asks. I point at the door, "out" is all I say before Mark leaves. 'stupid bastard' I think to myself before putting the box back in it's place.

I get behind my computer and watch a movie with the last pieces of chocolate.

time skip

After a movie and some catching up with YouTube, I get ready for bed and change in my PJ's. I hear Mark walking over the hallway to his room, "goodnight, little sis" He says joking.

He is so annoying to me, I ignore him and put my phone on the charger. I turn off my lights and I hear Mark knocking on the wall a few times.

I sigh annoyed and ignore his first few knocks, but he doesn't stop. After a little while, I have had enough and bang on the wall that was above my head.

I bang on the wall three times and get comfortable again. But Mark knocks on the wall again. 'that's it' I think to myself before getting up.

At the moment, I don't care that I only wear my dad's big T-shirt so that Mark can see my bare legs. I walk to his bedroom door in a fast pace and open the door without knocking.

"Ever heard of knocking?" he said jokingly. "I've heard it enough, not even a minute ago. " I spit at him. A grin appears on his face, and it annoyes me, but at the same time, it makes me blush a little.

I look around his room for a second and then back at him, "Can you not?" I ask. Mark nods, "goodnight, little sis" He says again.

Before closing the door, I reply sarcastically, "Goodnight, big brother"

My new brother (Markiplierxreader)Where stories live. Discover now